2019-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/654221摘要:本子計畫使用近年來快速發展的資料科學分析,探索臺灣未來各種選舉的研究,利用跨學科的研究方法,本計畫將蒐集候選人利用各種不同社群網絡所散佈的資訊,分析各候選人的政策立場,以及選民和候選人在社群網站上的互動,希望藉此瞭解互動的結果是讓社會越來越聚合?還是越來越分歧?本子計畫的研究主題,目前在美國和歐洲學界,是一個非常熱門的研究主題,也就是討論社群網絡的政治後果。<br> Abstract: This subproject is expected to stimulate interdisciplinary dialogue between social and data science and present to the international scholarly community finding that is both insightful in its novel treatment of Taiwan’s electoral studies and innovative by its methodological reach.Joining this emerging scholarship of data-driven research, this subproject proposes an integrated approach toward analyzing political candidates’ policy positions on a multi-dimensional campaign issues space based on messages crawled from their Facebook accounts in the upcoming 2020 Taiwan Presidential election cycle. The strength of this study lies in using a variety of computational content analysis tools to unpack the dimensionality of conflict throughout the campaign, estimate candidates’ relative positions across these issue dimensions, and assess the link between candidates’ observed issue convergence/divergence and their social media followers’ profiles via online-administered surveys to better comprehend the socio-economic foundation of policy positioning in an age of social media.文本分析社群網絡議題聚合議題歧總統大選text miningsocial mediaissue convergence and divergence,presidential election核心研究群計畫【透過文本分析探勘候選人在社群網路中的議題聚合與分歧:以2020 台灣總統大選為例之初探】