2005-07-262024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661545摘要:東北角鹽寮福隆沙灘附近,不但是北部僅剩生態系保存較完整的海岸,已劃歸為海洋資源保護區,生物種類與數量皆極為豐富,也是貢寮漁民世代賴以生存的重要漁場,而鹽寮到福隆一帶更是有著長約三公里的細粒石英質沙灘,素有「黃金海岸」的美稱,這些都是東北角無價的生態及觀光資產。 為持續了解核四廠之設立對於附近﹙鹽寮福隆﹚沙灘變遷情形,環保署自92年度起,委託專業單位進行沙灘監測,除確實掌握沙灘變化情形,亦與台電公司之調查測量資料進行比對,以做為日後相關因應措施採行之依循。 計畫範圍為台北縣貢寮鄉,作業範圍北起核四廠重件碼頭南方沙灘,往南至堤岸約4公里長之岸線地形。 本計畫之工作流程為透過控制及水準量測並與台電提供之控制點進行連測後,進行海岸地形測繪與水深測量各三次,並製成測量報告,再經由88-94年衛星影像、航空照片與相關歷史資料彙整,以利海岸沙灘變遷分析進行。 計畫之工作內容包括1.平面控制基準測量2.高程控制基準測量3.海岸地形測繪4.近岸水深測量5.購買及分析衛星影像及農航所航照資料6.蒐集當地海岸變遷資料配合影像資料,繪製沙灘消長分佈。 本計畫預期成果如下: 1.連測台電提供之高程基<br> Abstract: The 3 kilometers long beach between Yen-liao and Fu-long, two places located in the northeastern coast of Taiwan, is reputed as a “golden coast” characterized by biological variety and fine quartz grains of great sightseeing value. The beach is zoned for ecological protection and conservation of oceanic resources, and the adjacent sea area is an important fish ground. Since Taiwan’s fourth nuclear power plant is under construction on a site near Yen-liao, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Executive Yuan has had consultants monitoring any changes along the beach since 2003, with the data analyzed in combination with the results of surveys by Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to see the plant’s impact on the beach as reference for taking appropriate measures. Taipower will operate the nuclear power plant. The target area of monitoring for this project is a 4-kilometer coastal strip comprising the beach, with Taipower’s industrial wharves (for importing heavy equipment) situated to its north. The project uses horizontal/vertical control surveying and level surveying to map the coastal topography of the target area three times and strikes soundings of the contiguous sea area three times as well. The data is then integrated with satellite imagery sensed and aerial photos taken in 1999-2005 as well as other related historical information for comprehensive analysis of physical shift of the beach. The scope of work for the project consists of (1) surveying controlled by horizontal datums; (2) surveys controlled by vertical datums; (3) mapping of coastal topography; (4) soundings of the adjacent sea area; (5) analysis of satellite imagery and aerial photos; (6) ground surveys and mapping of changes in the beach. The achievement of the project consists of (1) integration of surveying with horizontal and vertical datums provided by Taipower; (2) establishment of a digital terrain model (DTM) of the beach through surveying and sounding; (3) spectral analysis of remote sensing imagery sensed cumulatively to date; (4) analysis of coastline changes based on aerial photos taken cumulatively to date; (5) maps showing changes in the topography of the beach and surface and underwater topography of the adjacent sea area as well as contrast between DTM changes and shifts of the zero-meter coastline.地形測量海岸地形沙灘變遷監測遙測topographic surveycoastal topographychanges of beachmonitorRemote sensing94年鹽寮福隆沙灘監測專案工作計畫