工學院: 建築與城鄉研究所指導教授: 林建元林其徹Lin, Chi-CheChi-CheLin2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273651近年來績效管理的浪潮逐漸引入公部門經營管理中,國家公園也不例外。自民國99年之後國家公園配合國家發展委員會對於中程計劃執行表現之檢視,轉變為績效指標之評估制度。然而指標作為檢視與組織目標之距離,遭遇中央與地方執行策略之不同,使得同一套績效指標制度難以實質回饋經營管理之狀況至現地經營管理上,作為調整與改善之依據。另一方面,既有指標也面臨資料取得與操作上無法實際檢視國家公園經營管理成效之課題,使績效指標之功能成為觀察工具之一。 本研究試圖藉由改善既有國家公園績效指標之限制為基礎,以陽明山國家公園研究對象,進而遴選出一適宜現地(on-site)管理之績效指標。在操作上藉由後設評鑑之四項標準架構出指標檢討架構,以評析既有指標及後續遴選修正之指標,於資料取得、操作可行、目標完整等原則之限制,作為改善之依據。此外,在調整過程中,回應國家公園法之宗旨,配合國內外保護區及國家公園相關經營管理指標,最終與陽明山國家公園政策目標與行動計畫連結,強化實際操作上之可行性。 在研究設計與資料分析上,透過焦點團體訪談、深度訪談及層級分析法,以實際瞭解實務運作上之限制及評估構面之相對重要程度,據以作為後續改善調整之方向。其中刪除既有之五項指標;新增「學術研究與量能提升」之主目標及五項策略性措施,並新增既擴充共十五項經營管理評估指標最終調整出五大目標構面、十四項策略性措施及其三十項經營管理績效指標,提供陽明山國家公園經營管理之檢視工具。 此外,權重分析顯示陽明山國公園對於「環境保護與生態永續」為最重要之經營管理項目,權重值最低者則為「遊憩與環教推廣」。並且發現「原居住民友善關係」之次目標權重值高於「硬體性」建設修繕成效,顯示陽明山國家公園對社會交流重要性逐漸提升之趨勢。而在實際進行評估後,顯示陽明山國家公園整體表現良好,惟後續需多方強化社區及原居住民培力深度與推行動植物生態多樣性監測機制,以達更完整之經營管理成效。Recently, performance management has been applied by public administration for operation evaluation, national parks are not exception. Since 2000, in order to monitor the implementation status of mid-range national park development plan, key performance indicators for national park evaluation system have adopted by the National Development Council. However, due to the difference of policy objectives, key performance indicators are unable to reflect the gap between goals and actual performance. Furthermore, there are data-collection and operating difficulties needed to be solved. To improve the effectiveness of key performance indicators, this study takes Yangmingshan National Park as the target area for the identification of appropriate indictors. Firstly, this study establishes an evaluation framework to examine the operating problems. And coping with the Law of National Park, related studies of evaluation on protected area are referred. By means of Focus Group Interview, Depth Interview and the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the restrictions and relative importance are identified. As a result, this study deletes five existing indicators and adds one goal “academic research”. Besides, it also adds five new policy objectives and fifteen performance indicators. Finally, the new evaluation system contains five goals, fourteen policy objectives and thirty performance indicators. According to survey, it shows that “Environment Protection and Biodiversity “is the most important goal. On the contrary, the least important one is “Recreation and environmental education”. Besides, it is also found that the “Residents friendship “is more important than “Physical environment” management. Finally, it shows that Yangmingshan National Park has achieved pretty good performance in general, however, community involvement and local empowerment are critically needed. In addition, establishing a monitoring system for biodiversity is also needed.13107468 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/6論文使用權限: 同意無償授權國家公園陽明山後設評鑑績效指標都會型保護區保護區評估National ParkYangmingshanEvaluating evaluationkey performance indicatorUrban Protected Area[SDGs]SDG4國家公園經營管理績效指標改進方式之研究-以陽明山國家公園為例Improvement of Performance Indicators for National Park Management: A Case Study of Yangmingshan National Parkthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273651/1/ntu-104-R02544013-1.pdf