2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714780INTRODUCTION After years of preparation, in 2004 Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies started to admit students interested in pursuing collaborative legal education combined with other disciplines. The establishment of the Institute reflects a need to prepare future legal experts capable to respond to the modern legal order and contribute to the betterment of our society. Legal education in the 21st century faces enormous challenges. In the past, legal education did not provide students with opportunities to study macroeconomics and offered little training in financial and business law. Thus, our institute is aware of the need to reform our education system and to provide greater training for our future law experts who will be prepared to respond to these challenges in the coming future. As scholars and students of law, we must ask ourselves whether the current legal respond to these emerging challenges and whether the current legal education is sufficient to prepare the next generation of legal experts to face the emerging challenges to law and society. Recognizing the abovementioned developments in legal studies, NTU College of Law established the Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, designed to admit students with strong background in other fields to be trained as legal professionals and researchers. We have a strong belief that all fields of studies including economics, political science, commerce, sociology and philosophy, can be integrated into the studies of law. The College of Law at National Taiwan University has its long tradition of legal research and legal education. National Taiwan University prides itself as being the most prestigious institution of higher learning in Taiwan and offers a comprehensive curriculum in hundreds of fields. Thus, the College of Law has experience and resources needed to facilitate interdisciplinary learning. We hope that the Institute will become the most prominent institution that trains future legal practitioners and scholars with particular focus on technology, sustainable development, human rights protection, constitutionalism, finance, taxation, economics, trade and national development. COURSES Since 2013 school year, each student has to complete a minimum of 92 credits leading to LL.M degree. 46 credits are compulsory and must be selected from the predesigned curriculum. The required courses include: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law , Civil Code-general Principles, Civil Code-General Provisions of Obligation, Civil Code-Kinds of Obligations , Civil Code-Property , Code of Civil Procedure , Company Code , Criminal Code-General Principles , Criminal Code- Types of Offenses , and Code of Criminal Procedure . The remaining 46 credits are elective. Students are obliged to take at least 20 credits of the graduate-level seminars(U and M code) offered by the College of Law , including at least 10 credits of M code courses. Students are allowed to take at most 22 credits of the bachelor program at the Department of Law. They can also take courses offered by other graduate institutes up to 6 credits if necessary. In addition to the required 92 credits, students must complete a master thesis under the supervision of one faculty member. CAREER AND FURTHER Students completing an LL.M degree may pursue careers in law (subject to successful bar exam graduation), in addition to the professional knowledge learned in previous degree. Many graduates choose to combine the two degrees and serve as legal consultants. Some job opportunities include: judge, lawyer, legal consultant, legal assistant in public and private institutes, academic researcher, government official, member of Parliament, member of the Control Yuan, assistant in Legislative Yuan, etc.二十一世紀的法學,必須迎向許多挑戰,因此法學教育與研究迫切需要透過體制創新來創造突破性的典範。本院除有悠久傑出的傳統法學研究外,本院教師亦早已展現科際整合法律研究發展的高度興趣,多年來已與本校其他院系教授合開多門跨科際領域課程,並有跨科際之研究計畫。經多年規劃並設立「科際整合法律學研究所」,於93學年度起正式招生,以掌握未來法學教育之特質,培養社會所需的各類專業法律人才。 由於社會愈趨多元發展,法律所需規範的內容愈趨複雜,所規範的事務也愈趨專業。法律人所需要的知識,除了傳統法律規範之知識外,尚需要多元專業化的知識。為滿足新時代法學教育的需求,本所學生限於大學時代非以法學為專攻者,教學目標乃是讓學生擁有足以擔任司法人員與律師的法律專業知識,並進而引導學生將其既有的專業學科知識,運用於法學的研究上,以因應新時代國家社會對法律人的需求。 研究生畢業應修最低學分為92學分,其中必修學分共46學分,以及選修學分共有46學分。必修課程包括:憲法、行政法、民法總則、民法債編總論、民法債編各論、民法物權、民事訴訟法、公司法、刑法總則、刑法分則及刑事訴訟法。研究生需撰寫碩士論文,畢業後授以法學碩士學位。 ■可習得之專業能力 經過本所之教學及訓練,學生在其原有專業外,更具備法律學專門知識及人文社會科學基本知識。 ■就業管道 本所畢業學生就業管道包含:法官、律師、公私立機關之法律顧問、法務人員、法學學術研究人員、政府機關公務人員、民意代表、國會助理等。此外,本所學生仍可依其原有之專業知識選擇就業管道。Interdisciplinary Legal StudiesAcademic Institute