2009-04-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681604摘要:本計畫內容以禽流感疫情主動監測與、禽流感疫情資料蒐集與分析、禽流感防疫工作之教育訓練與推廣為三大重點,以台北市為範圍,針對各種禽鳥類進行持續之監測主動監測每週將對14個禽鳥飼養或群聚場所進行隨機採樣監測,每個場所之採樣數因場所型態與禽鳥數目之不同,以4-8隻為原則,估計1年應完成之採樣監測數量為4000件,此外將以全球禽流感疫情為範圍,蒐集與分析疫情之趨勢,編撰疫情周報、風險分析期中報告與期末報告;並以台北市為範圍,針對防疫工作人員、與禽鳥類相關之從業人員共將舉辦一場禽流感防疫訓練班,針對基層民眾及學術教育單位將舉辦十場禽流感防疫教育宣導會,並將製作教育宣傳品八百份。<br> Abstract: This project includes three parts: the active surveillance of avian influenza, the epidemiological data collection and analysis, and the education, training and promoting on the prevention and control of avian influenza. In each week, 4-8 samples will collected from 14 randomly selected locations were birds are clustered naturally or by commercial activities. It is estimated that 4000 samples will be collected and tested for the presence of the avian influenza virus in this project. We will collect the updated avian influenza epidemic data and analysis the epidemic trend of the avian influenza. We will give one education and training courses for the civil servants involving in the animal disease control and the peoples whose commercial activities involving poultry or birds. We will also hold 10 Education and advocacy meetings for the local residents and school children. We will also produce Publicity materials on how to prevent the infection of avian influenza.禽流感主動監測疫情分析教育訓練教育宣導Avian influenzaActive surveillanceEpidemiologic analysisEducation and trainingEducation and advocacy98年度台北市禽流感防疫工作計畫