黃寶儀臺灣大學:電機工程學研究所黃介廷Huang, Chieh-TingChieh-TingHuang2010-07-012018-07-062010-07-012018-07-062009U0001-1008200911130400http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/188123隨著研發能力經驗的累積,對於在都市建築物內佈建無線感測網路的議題日益被討論。為了發展在健康照顧或工作環境安全監測等需要資料能成功送達伺服端的應用,在資料傳遞機制的設計上必須備有兩大特性: (1)良好的資料傳遞能力(2)較短的資料傳遞時間。我們利用跨層設計的概念提出一個應用在上述應用的資料傳輸機制,Cross-Layer Diffusion (XD)。其概念為MAC層利用每個節點在建立資料傳遞路徑時的訊息來改善資料的傳輸率跟延遲。利用佈建在建築物內的無線感測網路中來進行模擬與實驗,我們發現相較於現今公認較佳的傳輸機制,XD不僅在傳輸能力上不錯的表現,其複雜度低也更容易實現在現今無線感測硬體上。As the R&D experience accumulates, there is a rising interest of wireless sensor network (WSN) deployment in the urban environment. For mission critical applications such as healthcare and workplace safety, in particular, it is essential that the data dissemination mechanisms satisfy two important quality of service (QoS) requirements: (1) high delivery rate and (2) low transmission delay. Proposed in this work is a cross-layer designed data dissemination mechanism, referred to as Cross-Layer Diffusion (XD), in which notions in the path discovery (routing) component are exploited by data forwarding (MAC) component to improve the delivery rate and transmission delay. Using traces collected from a prototype WSN deployed in urban environment, we compare XD to the state-of-the-art mechanisms and find that XD is not only more efficient but also more practical.誌謝 i要 iibstract iiiontents ivist of Figures viist of Tables viiihapter 1 Introduction 1hapter 2 Mechanism 5.1 Path Discovery 5.2 Data Forwarding 7hapter 3 Trace-Driven Simulation 13hapter 4 Performance Analysis 16hapter 5 Comparison 25.1 AODV with IEEE802.15.4: 25.2 MD with ZMAC: 28hapter 6 Experiment 31.1 Testbed 32.2 Analysis 38hapter 7 Related Work 42.1 Media Access Control 43.2 Cross-Layer Approach 46hapter 8 Conclusion 48eference 50618254 bytesapplication/pdfen-US都市無線感測網路資料傳遞跨層設計Urban Wireless Sensor NetworkData DisseminationCross-Layer DesignXD:基於跨層設計概念設計適合都市建築環境的高效率資料傳輸機制XD: A Cross-Layer Designed Data Collection Mechanism for Mission-Critical WSNs in Urban Buildingsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/188123/1/ntu-98-R96921024-1.pdf