2015-03-052024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/658790摘要:本計劃調查原台北刑務所以及戰後之華光社區地景歷史變遷。原台北監獄位在今日華光社區,乃日本人在二十世紀初建立於殖民地的最大監獄,也是台灣當時最重要的刑務機構,見證日人推動刑務現代化、建立差異、以監獄重寫城市地景的歷史。戰後不久,台北監獄面臨搬遷,然留下了部分監獄圍牆以及牆外的聚落設施,留存至二十一世紀甫因「國土活化」政策拆除,同時造成華光社區的搬遷流離。本計劃將梳理長達一世紀的地景歷史。<br> Abstract: This research investigates the historical changes written into the place we name "Huaguang" today. In the beginning of 20 century, the colonial Japanese government built the first and the largest prison here. It was the most important correctional institution in Taiwan, which witnessed the way in which Japan reformed its correctional system, established difference between itself and its colony, and redefine the colonial Taipei through building the Taihoku prison. The Taipei prison was relocated out of the city in the post-war years. Yet part of the prison walls remained, along with the prison settlement outside of the prison kept intact until the 21st century. Due to the national policy of revitalizing state assets, all the residents of Huaguang were displaced. The research will review the changes by carefully reading its continuously changing landscape over the past century.台北監獄華光社區殖民現代性刑務改革Taipei PrisonHuaguangColonial modernityPrison Reform原臺北刑務所、光復後之臺北監獄及華光社區等文史資料調查