2021-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/683811摘要:原住民與我國主流文化並不相同,實務上常常發生因原漢文化衝突而發生的刑事犯罪爭議。我國立法者向來秉持寬容原則,在三部重要的法規中,設計了排除文化衝突時原住民刑事責任之特別條文,但這些特別納入立法的規範,有其時空背景上的特色,隨著對原住民文化尊重與保護需求的變動,可能無法回應時代的需求。本計畫認為,應考慮直接創設一個獨立於國家法律規範管控的原住民自治領域,在該領域中針對特定事務的規範源頭是原住民文化、部落傳統與慣習,亦即是一個原住民具有自我決定權限的自治領域,具體落實上,則由原住民自行決定應該如何有效控管獵槍取得、使用、保管與安全等規範,也可以自行決定原住民獵捕野生動物的時間、種類、數量,也可以由部落決定何時、何地可以進行林產的採集,這種逸脫於國家規範領域,將整體規範權力委交給原住民自治自理的視角,或許可以對於長久以來我國法上存在的刑事法與文化衝突爭議,注入另一個解決問題的新契機。<br> Abstract: Indigenous people are not the same as Taiwan’s mainstream culture. In practice, criminal disputable cases arising from the cultural conflicts often occur. Taiwan’s legislators have always upheld the principle of tolerance, and in the three important legal regulations, designed special provisions to exclude the criminal responsibility of aborigines regarding cultural conflicts. However, these so-called protective provisions for indigenous people may not respond to the needs of the times. The project believes that consideration should be given to directly creating a field of aboriginal autonomy that is independent of national sovereignty and regulations. The normative source for specific matters in this field is the aboriginal culture, tribal traditions and habits, that is, an aboriginal self. In the autonomy area, the indigenous peoples decide on how to effectively control the specifications of the acquisition, use, storage and safety of the shotguns. They determine accordingly the time, type and quantity of the aboriginal hunting wild animals. It is up to the tribe to decide when and where to collect the forest products.槍砲彈藥刀械管制條例野生動物保育法森林法原住民族自治文化衝突Controlling GunsAmmunition and Knives ActWildlife Conservation ActForest ActIndigenous AutonomyCultural Conflict原住民族自治:文化衝突下的權利、制度與轉型-從原漢文化衝突邁向原住民族自治:以刑事法制為中心(2/3)