2004-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706682摘要:功能性核磁共振影像(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging , fMRI)是種結合MRI、影像處理、統計學……等學科來瞭解大腦功能的一項技術,由其可以得到醫學解剖上的對照及探討心理學層次方面的科學根據。但由於其資料型態的關係,使得資料儲存空間大及因為累積個案的影像資料愈來愈多時,亦或實驗的設計有許多不同的狀態時,其分析之結果影像並不能直接使研究人員瞭解其中包含之知識,必須再經由影像特徵擷取分析後才能提供更多對大腦認知活動的瞭解。而資料及影像探索(Data Mining & Image Mining)這個領域的產生便是為了解決在資料庫龐大的資料中分析與處理這些資料。 本研究將建構一fMRI知識中心,其主要功能有三:一、透過Web跨平台使用者介面提供存取、瀏覽、分析此fMRI資料中心內的影像資料。二、透過image mining動作來擷取出fMRI影像中所呈現的大腦活化區特徵,並與其實驗中所給予的參數、實驗設計及其事前所填寫的問卷等進行data mining,進而產生決策樹及關連式規則,藉以提供更多大腦認知活動的知識;三、收集大量fMRI相關文獻,利用<br> Abstract: Functional MRI (fMRI) is a powerful technique to understand the underlined mechanism of cognition process in the brain. With fMRI, one could acquire the activation sites as well as activation pattern of the brain for certain activation task. Limitation of further usage of such big database to the real application includes the lack of data mining includes text mining and imaging mining to such huge dataset. To overcome this existing entrance barrier, we will establish an fMRI knowledge center to facilitate the usage of fMRI database. In National Taiwan University, we have established the interdisciplinary MR lab and have performed fMRI studies over the last three to four years. Huge data set has been established in the lab. In this project, we will construct an fMRI knowledge center with three specific aims. First, we will construct the Web-based user interface to support user to access, browser, analyze the image data. With this system, one could use a PDA or tablet PC to analyze on the fMRI data through the web. Second, we will apply the contend-based image mining techniques to analyze the fMRI image and extracts features. Novel knowledge of brain cognition process will be established by combining with variables and paradigms of the experiment and the related information using this system. Finally, semantic analysis within the electrical scientific database will be applied to analyze, classify, make index through text mining to facilitate the learning, research and the correlation analysis with other related studies. The completion of this project will significantly reduce the entrance barrier for people to gain new knowledge from fMRI data center. With this knowledge center, users will browse the related neural science papers, psychological studies and neural imaging database to get more information and knowledge using the wireless, Web-based interface to establish novel mechanisms of the brain cognition processes.功能性核磁共振影像影像探索語意分析知識中心fMRIimage miningsemantic analysisknowledge center功能性核磁共振影像知識中心之研發與建構