黃耀輝2006-07-252018-06-292006-07-252018-06-292005-10-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/4984建立可信的砷生物暴露指標,是防範 砷危害暴露的重要措施。本計畫藉由職場 實際作業狀況無機砷暴露與飲食性有機砷 共同暴露情況下,評估尿中無機砷物種分 佈受影響的幅度,以及不同尿中砷物種作 為無機砷暴露後生物暴露指標的可靠度。 受試者選定為半導體製造廠26 名維修工程 師及工安工程師。研究設計係針對受試者 在觀察期間砷暴露有關之工作情形,以及 攝食有機砷暴露特性與尿中砷物種分佈情 形進行比較。採集樣本包括廠區廚房海產 相關原料食物樣本、受試者下工後尿液樣 本,以及工作環境空氣樣本,以高效率液 相層析儀-感應耦合電漿放射光譜質譜儀 (HPLC-ICP-MS, Agilent 7500)分析As 3+ 、 As 5+ 、monomethylarsonic acid (MMA)、dimethylarsinic acid (DMA)、Arsenocholine(AsC)、Arsenobetaine(AsB)、Arsenosugar(AsS)及trimethylarsinicoxide(TMAO)等砷物種。分析結果顯示, AsB 是食物中主要測得砷物種,最高為蟹 肉部分高達39.3ug/g 乾重。環境採樣結果 則顯示空氣中砷濃度多數低於偵測下限 (0.2 ug/m 3 )。尿中砷物種分析顯示AsB 及 DMA 的濃度相對較高,As B 最高值甚至 可達200 ug/L 左右,但變異情形相當大。 食用部分海產食物與尿中砷物種濃度分佈 的相關性分析顯示兩者關聯十分顯著(p<0.0001)。在尿中MMA 方面,在食用海 產類食品後濃度值變化有限。而尿中MMA 濃度與As 3+ 濃度值雖然都很低,但不論濃 度值或其所佔尿中砷物種百分比往往卻呈 現統計上明顯相關(p<0.0001 及0.020)。且 就砷暴露程度有限的情況下,尿中MMA 濃度的分佈仍與工程師是否參與無機砷相 關的維修作業有關(p<0.05)。本研究結論顯 示,未加工處理之海產食物比起經加工之 海產食材對於尿中無機砷代謝物種生物暴 露指標的干擾影響更大。至於在相當程度 飲食性有機砷暴露干擾下,本研究結論認 為仍可以尿中MMA 為環境無機砷的生物 暴露指標。It is an important measure to establish a reliable biological exposure index to monitor and, accordingly, to prevent the potential inorganic exposure at work. The present study was therefore performed to evaluate the extent of interference and the reliability of urinary arsenic species as biological exposure index by comparing the effects of co-existing field inorganic arsenic exposure and dietary organic arsenic exposure. Study subjects included 26 preventive maintenance engineers and industrial hygiene engineers. Their work history and dietary seafood intakes prior to the urine sample collection were used to compare with the urinary arsenic species distribution. Sample collected included seafoods from the study factory’s kitchen, study subjects’ urine, and air samples of the workplace. All samples, except air samples, were analyzed with the HPLC-ICP-MS for As 3+ 、As 5+ 、 monomethylarsonic acid, dimethylarsinic acid, Arsenocholine(AsC)、 Arsenobetaine(AsB)、Arsenosugar(AsS)及 trimethylarsinic oxide(TMAO). Results show that the highest arsenic species was found for AsB in crab, up to 39.3ug/g dry. Most of the air sample could not be detected for arsenic, < 0.2 ug/m 3 . High urinary arsenic species were found for AsB and DMA, along with huge variation, and the highest one was AsB of about 200 ug/L. And, they were found highly associated with the uptake of certain seafood intakes (p<0.0001). With respect to urinary MMA, it changed little even after the study subjects have ingested seafoods. Although both the levels of MMA and As 3+ were very low, they were highly correlated, either in terms of the concentration itself or their percentages in the sum-up urinary arsenic species (p<0.0001 and 0.020, respectively). Besides, even though the inorganic arsenic exposure was limited at workplace, conducting preventative maintenance work was still demonstrated associated with the urinary MMA levels (p<0.05). This study therefore concluded that, compared to the processed seafood, raw seafood, in daily diets, contributed much more to the urinary arsenic species. On the other hand, urinary MMA still could be a good indicator for inorganic arsenic exposure even at low level inorganic arsenic exposure and with high interfering influence of dietary organic arsenic uptake.application/pdf198789 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所海產食物感應耦合電漿質 譜儀生物暴露指標SeafoodArsenicHPLC-ICP-MSBiological Exposure Index砷之生物暴露指標探討-職業性無機砷與飲食性有機砷共同暴露影響之評估Biological Exposure Index for Arsenic-Effects of Concurrent Occupational Inorganic Arsenic and Dietary Organic Arsenic Exposurereporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/4984/1/932320B002084.pdf