2012-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/700174摘要:建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling,簡稱BIM)近年已逐漸在大型工程專案中被推行採用,其強調在工程的不同生命階段,完整地建構一個工程專案中所有可能被使用到的資訊,諸如建築元件的幾何特徵、成本價格,材料特性,以及施作組裝的預計時程…等等,並考慮到後續的資訊應用可能。然而,若要能完整詳盡地建立這些必要資訊,需仰賴背後完整的知識體系作為基礎。而當建築資訊模型進入諸如工項排程、自動計價或空間衝突檢查等應用階段之際,完善的知識體系亦能對自動化作業之設計與執行有所助益。 知識本體(Ontology)是一種電腦可讀(Machine Readable)的知識表達(Knowledge Representation)方式,在人工智慧的領域當中擁有相當的重要性,而隨著資訊時代的來臨,專家系統、智慧型代理人的建置,以及資訊檢索與資訊擷取技術的廣泛使用,使得幾乎所有的專業領域都會產生建立知識本體的需求。本研究擬利用建築資訊模型領域的工程手冊(Handbook)及重要之技術文件等既存的知識架構來發展BIM領域的知識本體,並以資訊檢索方面的應用來驗證知識本體的建立確實有助於知識的分享、更新與再利用,更希望能將知識本體的建置流程提供給其他不同領域作為建置知識本體的可行參考。<br> Abstract: BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology has been adopted in large A/E/C projects in recent years. It constructs a digital model that contains all essential information in A/E/C projects, such as geometry characteristic, unit price, and even the assembling schedule of each component, for facilitating the planning and simulation of engineering tasks throughout the lifecycle of the project. With the model, many possible applications can be applied to improve the information management and execution coordination of the project. However, the domain knowledge of BIM should be established first, so engineers know that what kind of information should be collected and incorporated into the model. Ontology is a machine readable knowledge representation format. It plays an important role in AI (Artificial Intelligence) filed, and has been widely used in fields of expert systems, intelligent agent systems, and so on. Almost every domain faces the need to build their own Ontology. Therefore, this research intends to integrate existing domain knowledge from the BIM handbook, research papers as well as other related semantic BIM resources to build a BIM domain ontology using knowledge extraction techniques. Also, an IR (Information Retrieval) application will be developed to verify and demonstrate the value and applicability of the developed BIM domain ontology.建築資訊模型知識本體論知識管理資訊檢索Building Information ModelingOntologyKnowledge ManagementInformation RetrievalBIM知識本體之建構與應用研究