生物資源暨農學院: 園藝暨景觀學系指導教授: 陳惠美許舒婷Hsu, Shu-TingShu-TingHsu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277781都市人由於工作繁忙、生活步調快等因素,導致身心壓力纏身,使人開始反思想逃離這樣的狀態,近年來越來越多的人渴望歸隱田園,高達九成民眾曾有田園生活的夢想。對於田園生活的推崇,從古代陶淵明的《桃花源記》到近代小野的《家住渴望村》,前人的理念影響了現代,使得都市人對田園生活嚮往已成為一個普遍現象。然而田園生活對於大部份人來說,也許是個退休養老的計畫,現今居住在都市地區者會用什麼方式來落實對田園生活的嚮往,再者田園與都市不管在環境或生活型態上都有很大的差異,對從都市到田園生活的實踐者而言,過程當中會遇到何種困難,是否在實踐過後與當初嚮往有所落差。因此,本研究的目的為瞭解大眾嚮往田園生活之動機,並探討都市人對於田園生活的看法,以及準備或替代方式,再對於田園生活實踐者的準備歷程、價值,以及與當初嚮往之落差進行探究。 本研究分為三階段進行,第一階段目的為了解大眾嚮往田園的因素,分析資料為行政院農業委員會於2013年舉辦「N個理由回農村」的208篇徵文文章進行分析,該文章陳述回歸田園的動機。分析方式採用內容分析方法,將文章內容依照推力與拉力動機進行歸納與分類。第二階段研究進一步了解都市人對於田園生活的看法,根據第一階段分析結果發展出半結構式訪談大綱,包含對於田園生活的意願、嚮往田園的動機、對於田園生活的準備。選擇臺北都會區居民為研究對象,以臺北市各個行政區旅運量最大的捷運站點作為訪談地點,並依循飽和理論作為停止抽樣之依據,合計共訪談130位受訪者,依照受訪者訪談內容進行歸納與分類。第三階段進一步探究田園生活實踐者追求的動機與價值、準備過程、以及至今實踐的感受與當初的想像是否相符,研究採用個案訪談的方式,訪談大綱包含嚮往田園生活的動機、準備的方式與過程、所遇到的困難、現今田園生活的感受。研究對象透過第一階段文章作者,挑選實際擁有田園生活者,並透過滾雪球方法,對7位田園生活實踐者進行深度訪談,依照受訪者訪談內容進行歸納與分類。 經過三階段研究發現,拉力動機的「田園風光」與推力動機的「逃離繁忙生活」是大眾嚮往田園的主要動機。田園實踐的準備從「增進知識」與「財物規劃」開始,在尚未實踐前,觀光旅遊是都市民眾替代田園生活所衍生出來的主要方案。田園實踐後的落差與過去成長背景有關,過去生長在都市者田園實踐後普遍覺得田園生活較辛苦,需要透過心態的調適來克服;但是過去生長在鄉村者由於對田園生活並沒有抱持太大的幻想,不過由於脫離鄉村時間久遠,身體勞動需要一段時間適應,但兩者都能從田園實踐中獲得增進健康、促進社交與心靈上的滿足。建議未來可舉辦假日田園實習課程,讓有意擁有田園生活者提早體驗或學習田園相關知識,並教導退休財務上的規劃,降低田園生活嚮往與現實之間的差距。The life style of modern people is very busy, so people want to escape from this high pressure environment and expect to take a breath. In recent years, more and more people desire to have a pastoral life. Up to 90% of people had pastoral dream. Respecting for pastoral life, from ""The Peach Colony"" of Tao Yuan Ming to ""live in the village of desire"" Concept of modern predecessors and it has become a common phenomenon. Pastoral life may be a retirement plan to many people. What kind of methods will urbanite pursue of pastoral life? What is the practice of pastoral life? The purpose of this study including, explore the motivation of pastoral life; explore the view of pastoral life and the preparations and alternatives; understand the preparations process of the pastoral life practitioners, and the differences between original motivation. This study will divide into three stages: the first stage is to understand what kind of factors drive public pursuing for pastoral? We use content analysis towards Council of Agriculture Executive Yuan held ""N reasons back to the countryside"" of 208 articles in 2013. Second phase of this study, according to the results of the first phase of content analysis, Using semi-structured questionnaire to interview urbanite view of pastoral life, and the difference between preparations in advance or alternatives. In order to achieve the effect of uniform sampling, we choose the district passenger''s largest transit site as a place of interview in Taipei city, and adherence to the theoretical saturated as stop sampling, total interview 130 respondents. The third phase of the study is to further explore the pastoral life practitioners’ motivation, value, preparation, and feeling about original imagination. We use case in-depth interview on 7 pastoral life practitioners. Induction and classification according to the interview content of respondents. After three research stages of this study, we found that pastoral motivation can be divided into two categories: push and pull. The main pull motivator is ""pastoral scenery"", and push motivator is ""escaping from busy life"". The main preparation is ""to save money"" and ""learning"". Urbanite will base on the degree of pastoral life, projecting different alternatives to meet the pastoral life. The main alternative is ""tourism."" Pastoral practice gap has relationship with past growth background, past growth in urban usually feel pastoral practice is hard. They need to adjustment of mentality to overcome. But if past growth in country, they don’t think too fantasy, but they need a period of time to work. No matter what the background they growth, people can get health, promoting social relationships, and spiritual satisfaction. In the future, government can hold the pastoral internship program in holidays. People who have pastoral life can get knowledge before. Furthermore, the gap between pastoral life and reality can be reduce by teaching financial planning.2823445 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)田園生活動機價值準備歷程田園實踐pastoral lifemotivationvalueprogress of preparationpastoral practice都市人對田園生活之嚮往與追求價值The Urbanite Desire for the Pastoral Life and Value Pursuitthesis10.6342/NTU201601387http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277781/1/ntu-105-R03628301-1.pdf