2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715281As a teaching hospital affiliated with the College of Medicine (NTUCM) NTUH serves the important function of teaching and training a great variety of medical and paramedical professionals, including students, doctors, pharmacists, nurses and technologists. NTUH trains interns from the schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical Technology, and Physical and Occupational Therapy as well as from certain non-medical but health-related schools such as Public Health, Hospital Management, Nutrition, Psychology and Sociology. Internship training is also provided for other medical colleges on this island. Furthermore, under NTUCM’s international cooperation plans, NTUH has opened its clinical training environment to exchange students from around the world. Each year NTUH has successfully trained around 550 students in medicine and 1200 students in other related health fields. Beside a broad knowledge of medicine, NTUH’s training programs place a strong emphasis on helping the interns gain experience and medical skill through persistent practice. By applying standard simulation systems, interns can acquire the general knowledge and skill competencies required of clinical professionals. In addition, NTUH creates an environment that integrates interns with the clinical medical team so that the interns can learn and work closely together as a team. In Residency Training, NTUH’s systematic training program aims at developing medical doctors to have full professional knowledge and skills as well as strong medical ethics. To enrich and expand the residents' understanding of patients and the context in which they experience illness and seek care, they also take courses in such subjects as introduction of medicine, physician and the humanities, physician and society, human and medical care, medical technology and patients, life and death, and medical ethics and health behavior. For other medical related personnel, NTUH offers courses on a regular basis, as part of the continuing education program, to a great variety of personnel, including administrative and paramedical professionals, pharmacists, nurses, therapists, technologists, dietitians, volunteers and social workers. NTUH instills in our staff a firm commitment to a lifetime of learning, while equipping them to understand and to meet the evolving health needs of all segments of the population.教學部為本院一級部門,其前身為1950年9月1日成立之「中央照相室」,至1992年擴編為「教學室」,至 2001年更名為「教學部」。成立之初,僅設有教育組及教材組兩組,負責新進住院醫師職前訓練、實習醫師及代訓醫師報到離院、教材製作服務等事項,其後因臨床訓練之需求日殷,故於 2005 年12月及 2007年1月分別建置了臨床技能中心及微創手術訓練中心來整合及承擔訓練工作。 2008年 8月,依院方決策健康教育中心改隸於本部,本部之服務範圍乃擴及民眾教育。至2011年1 月4日,基於師資培育之需求,正式成立教師培育中心以統籌師培工作。新增之4個中心均以任務編組模式運作,由主任負責總督導。 各組及中心均置有專責之職員或技術人員,承辦各項業務。考量我國醫學教育之變革加速,臨床訓練及醫學教育的研究需有專任主治醫師全心參與,故本部自2006年4月起陸續進用了5名教學型主治醫師,協助各類訓練計畫之規劃、執行追蹤及評估工作。 近年來,隨著教學業務的範圍擴充,教學部同仁上下一心,發揮團隊合作的力量,努力以赴,故工作表現質量俱優,在每年的全院部門評比中均名列前茅。未來仍將秉持服務的理念,不斷精進,提供更優質的服務。Medical Education-NTUHAcademic Institute