臺灣大學: 國家發展研究所李炳南林永芳Lin, Yung-fangYung-fangLin2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254311摘要 1997年亞洲金融風暴,東亞區域國家思慮自身安危乃加強區域整合意願,並體認到全球化下的遊戲規則反映的是世界強權者的利益,符合強權者的偏好。面對這種情況,東亞各國了解維護自身利益,必須通過區域整合以建立維護地區共同利益,否則,必會被歐美所主導的全球化壟斷利益。而2008年的金融風暴使世界經濟受創,相較於1997年的金融危機,東亞國家此次受創輕微許多,造成此種現象的一個關鍵因素,應與1997危機後東亞區域經濟整合加速,使個別國家再次面臨危機可以以區域力量對抗。因此東亞區域經濟整合的發展脈絡與未來趨勢,不但深深影響區域內國家經濟發展,更對未來國際經濟局勢變動產生作用。 當今世界經濟最為活躍的三個地區是西歐、北美和東亞。前兩個地區已經先後建立了成功的區域性組織-歐盟(EU)和北美自由貿易區(NAFTA);歐盟的區域整合發展的層次最高,經歷了半個世紀的發展,建立了經濟聯盟並發生了相應的國家權力轉移;北美自由貿易區的整合建立於1992年,發展迅速,美、加、墨三國之間的貿易與投資聯繫相當緊密。歐盟與北美自由貿易區成功經驗對東亞雖有借鑒意義,但東亞不能套用;因為東亞各國具有經濟政治多樣性,地區政治關係複雜使東亞國際關係又具有典型的「外部干預性」特徵。因此東亞經濟整合運作與美國、歐盟等外部國際因素形成某種敏感關係,加上區域內的中國與日本因歷史造成的不信任,使兩國合作困難也導致整合發展遲緩。所以本文以「異質性」為基礎展開的區域整合研究,與歐美傳統的區域經濟整合理論是以成員體具有「同質性」為整合的基礎條件,兩者理論與途徑選擇自有不同。 東亞區域國家之間不需具有同質性的條件,成為東亞區域經濟整合前行的大背景,而東盟10國已經成功整合為一經濟體,乃構成了本文研究的邏輯起點。觀之東亞區域經濟整合的歷史演進與東盟整合的發展是息息相關,東盟在全球化國際分工體系所架構的自由貿易區,對於東亞區域經濟整合提供可能發展的基礎。總之對東亞區域經濟整合的研究,是基於對歐美區域經濟整合經驗的反思,因此東亞區域經濟整合將跳脫傳統區域經濟整合模式,另闢蹊徑。在現實世界研究東亞區域經濟整合,是冀望東亞區域經濟整合的發展有益於提升東亞各國的國際競爭力,東亞各國不再只是全球化制度規則的追隨者,而是能在全球化風潮中借由區域整合力量成為國際規則的適應者甚至是制定者。 本文對東亞區域經濟整合的研究,沿著東盟自由貿易區的主軸展開,從東盟區域組織形成的歷史演進回顧,並分析經濟效應是東盟形成整合主要的推動力量。但是在經濟推動整合的效應有限下,政治的作用才是使東盟更進一步整合的原因,東盟在東亞整合扮演著規範示範者、機制發動者與中、日大國之間的緩衝器。因此,東盟各成員國之間已經形成了事實上緊密的相互依賴關係,而東盟組織的深化與廣化,與東亞整合整體進程關係密不可分,也因而觸發了東盟與東亞各國之間展開經濟整合進程。 東盟10國均是小國缺乏資金與市場,形成整合後的經濟效應有限,因此東盟必須尋求與東北亞的中、日、韓等大國合作,所以東盟為起點展開東盟與東北亞國家中、日、韓的經濟整合,以及東北亞中、日、韓三國整合為一經濟組織的可能性分析,更是東亞區域整合得否成功的關鍵。除東亞區域內的整合進程外,分析東亞區域外的國際因素如何影響東亞區域整合,也是不可忽視的因素。東亞區域經濟整合必須放置於國際關係中思考,因此東亞區域經濟整合需顧及東亞區域外環境因素,東亞區域經濟整合的目標和路徑的分析,不但要與本地區的制度環境相吻合,更是受到歐美等國家以及APEC國際組織的影響。 至於東亞區域經濟整合的前景,因應東亞區域國家以異質化為基礎的整合,其整合機制的制度化發展是以市場經濟力量為整合基礎,但是透過政府力量的主導加速制度化機制的建立。因此檢討分析東亞區域經濟整合進程的制度化發展,並以此分析為基礎探討東亞區域經濟整合政治與經濟上的效應,可說明東亞區域經濟整合發展的可能性以及整合前景。 本研究結果有以下發現:第一、東亞區域整合是異質性整合的理論基礎。傳統整合理論研究是以歐美國家為研究藍本,強調參與區域經濟整合的國家具同質性。而東亞各國在經濟制度和發展水準上是異質性整合,因此東亞區域經濟整合轉向異質性發展的理論創新。第二,東亞經濟整合模式是多軌整合。東亞區域經濟整合由東盟發動,經由10+1、10+3機制,化解東亞雙邊FTA逐漸增加所出現的經濟整合的阻礙,是東亞經濟整合模式的一種創新。第三,提出弱制度化的機制安排是符合東亞區域整合所需。由於東亞國家政治上的彼此不信任,因此整合主要機制10+3是一種對話性的機制,區域國家形成的共識雖不具強制規範,卻提供各區域國家從事區域整合時的溝通基礎。第四,東亞區域經濟整合東盟是各項整合機制的啟動者,但是實際主導整合的力量卻是中、日兩大經濟國,東亞區域整合進程東盟緩衝兩國的衝突是使整合順利開展的關鍵。Abstract The 1997 Asian financial crisis, East Asian countries minds of their safety is to strengthen regional integration will. It is necessary to maintain regional integration in order to establish common interests in East Asia and to against benefits of EU and NAFTA under globalization. The development of regional economic integration in East Asia, not only deeply affects the country’s economic development within the region, but also has an effect on the international economic change in the future. The most active economic development in three regions is Western Europe, North America and East Asia in today''s world. The first two areas have successively established a successful regional organization - the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA). Because the East Asian countries have the economic and political diversity, but also have the typical “external interference” of features in international relations. Therefore, this paper based on “Heterogeneity” of regional integration to research carried out, with the traditional theory of regional economic integration is based on “homogeneous” both options will have different theories and ways. To study of regional economic integration in East Asia is along the main line of the ASEAN’s integration process. From the ASEAN evolution and history find out the economic effects of the formation of ASEAN integration of the main driving force. However, the effects of the economic promotion of integration are limited in that time, the role of politics is to enable further integration of ASEAN. ASEAN Integration in East Asia, who played a standard model, mechanisms, as well as those who launched a buffer between China and Japan. The ASEAN countries are small countries which lack of funds and the market so that the combined effects of limited dependent. The ASEAN countries must find to cooperate with Northeast Asia major powers such as China, Japan and South Korea. In addition to the East Asian integration process, the analysis of international factors outside the East Asian region how they affect the East Asian regional integration, but also can not be ignored. East Asian countries are the basis of heterogeneity into the regional economic integration. Therefore, establishment of the East Asian integration mechanism based on market economic forces but through the power of leading the government to accelerate the establishment of institutional mechanisms. As for review and analyze the mechanism of regional economic integration in East Asia development process and the basis of this analysis of East Asian regional economic integration on the political and economic effects, may explain the development of East Asian regional economic integration and the integration of future possibilities. The results of this study are the following findings: First, the East Asian regional integration theory is based on heterogeneous integration. Traditional integration theory stressed that the countries involved in regional economic integration with homogeneity. The East Asian countries are heterogeneous integration, regional economic integration in East Asia therefore turned to the heterogeneity of the development of theoretical innovation. Second, the East Asian economic integration model is the multi-track integration. East Asian regional economic integration, initiated by the ASEAN, through the 10 +1, 10 +3 mechanism and bilateral FTA, economic integration in East Asia is an innovative model. Third, the weak institutional arrangements are needed to meet the regional integration in East Asia. Fourth, China and Japan are the real dominant force in East Asian regional economic integration process, but the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is the initiator of the integration mechanism, is to promote the smooth development of the East Asian regional integration process.1287991 bytesapplication/pdfen-US東亞區域區域經濟整合相互依賴理論東盟中日韓自由貿易區東盟+N(10+1,10+3)East Asian regionregional economic integrationinterdependence theoryASEANChinaJapan and South Korea free trade areaASEAN + N (10 +1, 10 +3)[SDGs]SDG8東亞區域經濟整合-以東盟為分析主軸Regional Economic Integration in East Asia with an Analytical Focus on ASEANthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254311/1/ntu-99-D95341006-1.pdf