2006-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714047摘要:從過去第一年(2004)年的研究工作中發現,中部地區沙里仙溪及愛玉子溪沉積物濃度的變化增加2.4倍,集水區內山崩之重現率超過50%,同時坡體的破壞模式主要是以楔形、平面及落石為主,崩塌體積也是以小規模2000m3型態相互聚合而成。 目前進行的第二年研究工作(2005年),正在採集研究區域內不同地層之岩石樣品,進行單壓強度、風化係數、史密特錘,及巴西人法抗張試驗,以瞭解各不同地層內地質材料之強度特性,進而探討坡體的穩定狀況,同時利用輸砂量之各項估算資料來探討山崩、土石流與侵蝕作用的關係。 本研究計畫申請則要整合過去二年的工作,同時將上述這些研究成果與其他子計畫所探討的地形特徵、降雨入滲之邊坡崩壞、土石流流動機制,以及土石流潛勢判定等相互整理與討論,對於山崩及土石流災害的相關性探討有很大之助益。<br> Abstract: The research project on the first year study found that the concentration change in Salishen river and Aryuzi river increased 2.4 times and the reative ratio of landslide more than 50% comparing to the post-Chi-Chi earthquake. The geometry model of slope failure are mainly plane, wedge failure and rock fall. The landslide at study area has less than 2000 m3 volume converging together in general. This research project is also carry on this year. The aim of this project is to do the several experimental test, such as uniaxial compression test, weathering coefficient test, Schmidt hammer test, and Brazial tension test. These test results can comprehend the geomaterial characteristics, estimate the sediment discharge, and further approach the relationship between the landslide with erosion. The application of the final year project in this research will combine the above investigated information and link with the sub-research projects, to analysis their morphology change, slope failure during the heavy rainfall, trigger mechanism of debris flow. It will have a great help to study the relative effect in landslide and debris flow.山崩及土石流災害之探討-總計畫暨子計畫:侵蝕作用與坡地災害的關係(III)