管理學院: 國際企業學研究所指導教授: 湯明哲林尹浩Lin, Yin-HaoYin-HaoLin2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274816本文主要研究新型電子商務平台-中國潤民集團八戒王國online的策略邏輯。由於全球B2C電子商務的營業額快速成長,實體通路競相投入發展電子商務,本文試圖藉由個案分析,了解此創新電子商務平台策略背後的成形邏輯以及憑藉的因素。本文使用價值鏈理論、資源基礎理論及電子商務模式進行個案分析,研究分析結果為八戒王國online平台的主要目的並非單純為了銷售豬肉,而是兼具財務融資及行銷效益;八戒王國online之策略意圖主要分成品牌建立以及財務融資,而兩種策略意圖共用了許多競爭優勢。藉由八戒王國online的個案研究分析,可以思考其他產業或地區的應用性、新型電子商務作法的創意聯想、中國傳統產業機會的啟發,或是提供臺灣傳統產業結合電子商務平台模式之參考。This thesis is to conduct an exploratory study about the strategic logic of the innovative e-commerce model - BJWG online, an pig-raising virtual platform of Run Min Co.,Ltd in Shenzhen, China. Due to the rapid growth of global B2C e-commerce sales, more and more traditional company have tried to put their business online in various models and for multiple strategic purpose. This paper attempts to understand the logic and critical factors behind this innovative e-commerce platform strategy by case study analysis with concepts and framework of Value Chain, Value Net, Business Model and Resource-based theories. The very important result of the analysis is that the main purpose of BJWG online is not retailing the pig and pork, but both financial funding economically and brand building. In short, the strategy intention is mainly divided into financial funding and brand building, while these two strategy intentions share many competitive advantages and environmental factors. Also, through the case study of BJWG online, this paper have discovered and generalized some creative and innovative ideas and concepts of e-commerce model which may be applied to other industries and regions. Finally, inspired by the Chinese pig cultivation industry analysis in this paper, there are some practices about traditional industry combined with internet platform can be provided to Taiwan or other regions.論文使用權限: 不同意授權電子商務中國生豬養殖商業模式價值鏈價值網資源基礎理論策略分析E-CommerceChina Pig BreedingBusiness ModelsValue ChainValue NetResource-based theoryStrategy Analysis創新電子商務模式之策略分析:以潤民集團之八戒王國Online為例A Strategy Analysis of Innovative Electronic Commerce:A Case Study of BJWG Online of Run Min Co.,Ltdthesis10.6342/NTU201600742