電機資訊學院: 電信工程學研究所指導教授: 周俊廷林劭安Lin, Shao-AnShao-AnLin2017-03-062018-07-052017-03-062018-07-052015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276116近年來,機器對機器 (Machine to Machine, M2M)這個新的科技概念開始被廣泛地討論。M2M指的是機器或裝置間的資料交換,有了M2M的技術,我們能藉由眾多的裝置來監控環境、收集數據並透過有線或無線的網路將資料傳送到雲端,而我們便能利用這些有用的資訊做更好的決策。 許多新的科技應用,例如家庭自動化、遠端健康照顧、智慧交通系統及智慧大樓管理等,都仰賴M2M網路的技術。總體來說,M2M網路都含有為數眾多的機器或裝置,由上百、甚至上千個裝置組成多點跳躍網路(multi-hop network),如何將資訊在如此巨型的網路中傳遞,並又得同時考慮到數據的可靠性以及時效性,是一個艱巨的考驗。 在這篇論文中,我們研究所謂的一對多資料傳播(one-to-many data dissemination)以及多對一資料收集(many-to-one data collection),並提出高可靠度的通訊協定。首先,藉由確保一個裝置的所有鄰居都能正確地收到廣播中的訊框(broadcasted frame),我們可以達到100%可靠的資料傳播。在資料收集方面,我們並不讓裝置透過最短路徑回傳資料,而是讓資料透過可靠的點對點路徑(end-to-end route)回傳,也因此提升了資料收集的可靠度。 為了證實所提出的協定能夠應用在真實的環境中,我們在臺灣大學博裡館建構了一個包含106個IEEE 802.15.4無線裝置的測試平台,實驗結果顯示我們的方法能夠達到可靠度100%的資料傳播以及超過97%的資料收集。Machine to machine (M2M) communication, which is defined as the communica- tion between machines or devices, has been widely discussed in the past few years. With M2M technologies, machines can monitor the environment, collect data and send information through wired or wireless networks to the cloud. The information can then be translated into useful knowledge for better action taking and decision making. Many applications such as home automation, remote health care, intelligent trans- portation System (ITS) and Building Management rely on M2M networks. In general, these M2M networks are large-scale, multi-hop networks that contain hundreds or even thousands of machines. How to disseminate data through such a huge network in a reliable and time-efficient manner is a real challenge. In this thesis, we focus on the so-called one-to-many data dissemination and many-to-one data collection. First, by ensuring that all the neighbors of a device successfully receiving the broadcasted frame, it is able to provide 100% reliable data dissemination. Second, rather than se- lecting the shortest route, a device selects a reliable end-to-end route so that reliable data collection can be achieved. In order to evaluate the performance of our solution in real environments, a test- bed composed of 106 IEEE 802.15.4 nodes is developed in BL building, National Taiwan University. The experiment shows that our solution guarantees 100% data dissemination and above 97% data collection.2904085 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/8/20論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)可靠通訊協定多對一資料收集一對多資料傳播多點跳躍網路隱性確認reliable communication protocolmany-to-one data collectionone-to-many data disseminationmulti-hop networkimplicit Ack機器對機器網路中可靠資料傳播及收集協定Reliable Data Collection and Dissemination in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Networksthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276116/1/ntu-104-R01942047-1.pdf