蔡克銓臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所謝旺達Hsieh, Wang-DaWang-DaHsieh2007-11-252018-07-092007-11-252018-07-092006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/50366鋼板剪力牆是藉由鋼板易挫屈的特性,使鋼板發生挫屈之後產生拉力場(Tension Field),由鋼板所形成的拉力場來抵抗側力並消散外力所輸入的能量,多項實驗證明其具有良好的韌性與抗剪能力,可以有效地消散地震能量。本研究以國家地震工程研究中心已完成之鋼板剪力牆之實體構架進行有限元素分析模擬,研究之目的是希望能透過比STRIP MODEL簡化模型更精準的FEM板殼元素分析方式來研究鋼板剪力牆結構行為。 本研究分析項目為:(1)分析模型建立與模擬未束制型試體的挫屈行為與進入非線性時之反應,(2)利用模擬方式分析束制型鋼板剪力牆行為反應,(3)針對抗彎構架之樑是否要採取樑翼切削設計的效用做出評估,(4)探討鋼板剪力牆耐震行為與周圍抗彎構架(MRF)之樑容量設計,並檢核其軸力-彎矩(P-M)互制行為。 本研究結果顯示:有限元素法可以準確分析鋼板挫屈後拉力場行為,MRF之樑使用樑翼切削設計時,對耐震行為有其效果;而針對不同模型進行非線性側推之分析,發現在滿足彎矩需求下設計外圍MRF,於極限狀態下MRF承擔之基底剪力比例約為系統50%;而設計不滿足彎矩需求的弱樑,得知MRF由於不能承受拉力場的完全發展,使鋼板拉力場無法發揮至極限強度,因而降低剪力牆的耐震能力。In recent years, several researchers have confirmed that steel plate shear wall (SPSW) is a very effective energy dissipation element to reduce seismic responses of building structures. It has been investigated for the use in retrofit and new design as a primary lateral force resisting system in building structures. Researchers have also confirmed that SPSWs constructed with buckling restrainers dissipated more energy compared with the unrestrained SPSWs. However, detailed ABAQUS analysis made for large scale test specimens are rather limited. For this purpose, the objectives of this study include: 1) conduct FEM model development and make detailed comparisons among FEM and test results, 2) after achieving an accurate model, investigate the development of tensional field action, the shear force distribution between the boundary frame and the steel panel at various levels of deformation, 3) investigate the effects of boundary member’s stiffness and strength on the performance of SPSW, 4) investigate the effects of reduce beam section (RBS) of FEM boundary beams on the flexural demand of boundary beam-to-bundary column connections, 5) investigate the capacity design criteria of the boundary beam elements. Based on the investigation of different several analytical cases, recommendations are presented for the ductile design of SPSW the beams of boundary frame and the SPSW systems. ABAQUS analysis is used first to investingate the overall behavior of the four single story single bay SPSWs tested in NCREE. It is illustrated that the hysteretic responses of the three SPSW specimens can be accurately simulated by using a tri-linear combined isotropic-and-kinematic hardening material model. In addition, it is found the FEM model without restrainers had an elastic stiffness of 607MN/radian, only overestimate the experimental stiffness by 5%. It is confirmed from the FEM analysis that a flexural requirement of wl2/4 for the boundary beam is appropriate based on the ultimate vertical tension load w. It is also confirmed from the FEM analysis that the tension field action of SPSWs could not be adequately developed if the flexural capacity of the boundary beam is weaker than the strength noted above. If the capacity design principle is properly applied on the SPSWs, FEM analysis illustrates that the boundary columns take about 30% story shear at a low level inter-story drift of about 0.5%~0.7% radians but gradually increase up to 50% story shear at an interstory drift of 0.05 radian.誌謝 ㄧ 中文摘要 二 英文摘要 三 目錄 四 表目錄 七 圖目錄 八 照片目錄 十一 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機 1 1.3研究目的與內容 1 1.4 論文架構 2 第二章 鋼板剪力牆的基本特性 3 2.1概述 3 2.2未束制型鋼板剪力牆 3 2.2.1基本原理 3 2.2.2文獻回顧 3 2.2.3拉力場角度修正公式 10 2.3束制型鋼板剪力牆 11 2.3.1基本概念 11 2.3.2文獻回顧 12 2.4耐震設計流程 13 2.5美國設計規範之樑柱容量設計建議 15 2.6樑容量設計建議 16 2.7樑之彎矩分佈探討 18 2.8柱容量設計建議 19 第三章 鋼板剪力牆實驗分析介紹 22 3.1非線性有限元素軟體分析方法 22 3.1.1 ABAQUS/ Standard 功能介紹 22 3.1.2 ABAQUS/ CAE功能介紹 22 3.2有限元素模型之建立方法 24 3.2.1定義幾何模型 24 3.2.2幾何模型之選用 25 3.2.3材料性質 26 3.2.4材料模型建立方法 28 3.3有限元素分析使用之元素性質介紹 30 3.4邊界條件之建立 35 3.5有限元素模型之網格建立方法 37 3.6有限元素法分析流程 38 第四章 單層鋼板剪力牆試驗分析 40 4.1單層鋼板剪力牆試驗介紹 40 4.1.1未束制型鋼板剪力牆試體介紹 40 4.1.2束制型鋼板剪力牆試體介紹 41 4.2試體材料強度試驗結果 42 4.2.1低降伏鋼板的性質介紹 43 4.3 單層鋼板剪力牆有限元素模型介紹 45 4.4鋼板剪力牆反覆側推實驗之有限元素分析程序介紹 46 4.4.1試體材料模擬設定 46 4.4.2試驗加載歷時模擬 47 4.4.3有限元素模擬分析設定 47 4.5束制型鋼板剪力牆之有限元素分析 48 4.6未束制型鋼板剪力牆之分析與討論 51 4.7束制型鋼板剪力牆之分析討論 53 第五章鋼板剪力牆行為之有限元素分析與探討 57 5.1分析目的 57 5.2低降伏鋼板剪力牆行為 57 5.3未束制型單層單跨鋼板剪力牆之分析與設探討 58 5.3.1分析介紹 58 5.3.2有限元素模型之非線性側推分析介紹 60 5.4鋼板剪力牆有限元素分析與設計內容介紹 60 5.5鋼板剪力牆有限元素分析與設計結果之比較與探討 63 第六章 結論與建議 74 6.1結論 74 6.2建議 75 參考文獻 764276640 bytesapplication/pdfen-US鋼板剪力牆有限元素分析耐震設計Steel Plate Shear WallFEM AnalysisSeismic Design鋼板剪力牆之有限元素分析與耐震設計研究FEM Analysis and Seismic Design of Steel Plate Shear Wall Structurethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/50366/1/ntu-95-R93521219-1.pdf