2007-12-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/696969摘要:本計畫係針對「弱勢族群的社會照顧與服務」子題擬定挑書原則與篩選書籍。初步書單的來源主要有三:比對國外標竿大學圖書館藏書,圖書諮詢委員推薦經典與相關研究書目、重要出版社與作者的新書。初步書單總計44,960 筆,再送至本校圖書館查詢是否與國內館藏重複,經刪除後小計21,162 筆,儘量避免資源重複浪費。然後再由本系組成的圖書諮詢委員會經反覆討論,擬定挑書三原則:國內需求、國外同步、舊典新知等。首先,針對當前國內研究趨勢與議題需要,分配購書主題比例與優先順序;其次,參考國外大學館藏,第一年度以美國為主,第二年度亦將包含歐洲國家,特別是英國;第三,則是希望藉此機會蒐集社會服務的經典書籍,展現此一學科領域的變遷與里程碑。經分組討論篩選書目,最後完成第一年書單計3,600 筆。書籍的後續推廣部分,除了本校圖書館既有的服務項目,本系亦將舉辦相關書籍的書評與論文發表會,讓此次購買的書籍能發揮更多的學術價值。此項購書計畫挑選重要且具代表性的相關書籍,將可以為國內對「弱勢族群的社會服務與照顧」之研究,奠定重要基礎。<br> Abstract: This project, focusing on the subject “Social Care and Service for Minority Groups”, frames principles of book choosing and filtering, by which a booklist is perfected. The first draft of books chosen consist of three major sources: related books from several American top universities, canons and future research books recommended by the Advisory Committee, newly publishing books of significant publishers and authors. As a result of the above process, 44,960 items are elected and then sent to the NTU library system in order to exclude the replicates, the same as of domestic libraries. Moreover, after deliberative and detailed discussions, the Committee proposes three standards of the purchase plan: domestic needs, excellent paradigms, canon to most recent. First, according to the problems and issues in Taiwan society, the Committee sets the proportion and priority on the subtopics. Second, we learn from American paramount colleges at first year schedule and in the next year from British. Third, it is a great chance to collect significant, even older, canons in the field of Social Work to show the historical context of the subject. Finally, the first year list of 3600 items is created through careful consideration. Besides, with effective and broad service of NTU library, the following promotion of these books chosen will be that we will sponsor symposiums and conferences, utilizing the value of purchasing volumes as possible. In brief, the proposal, if permitted, will lay the crucial foundations of research for “Social Care and Service for Minority Groups”.弱勢族群社會照顧社會服務minority groupsocial servicesocial caresocial work補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:弱勢族群的社會照顧與服務(1/2)