薛文証臺灣大學:工程科學及海洋工程學研究所游雲開You, Yun-KaiYun-KaiYou2010-07-142018-06-282010-07-142018-06-282009U0001-1407200913543400http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/188976本文主要在討論由超穎材料所製成的左手透鏡與金屬透鏡的成像原理與特性。首先左手透鏡方面,我們探討左手透鏡之光學傳播函數及穿透係數,並藉由傅立葉光學來分析左手透鏡的成像特性,結果顯示左手透鏡的確可藉由放大消逝波來突破繞射極限,但解析度會受到吸收效應的限制而降低,且由分析結果發現在吸收效應存在時,左手透鏡的成像能力被將局限於近場區域。此外在金屬成像的部份,我們利用同樣的方法來探討金屬透鏡的成像特性,並將金屬成像系統分為對稱結構與非對稱結構分別來討論。由分析結果顯示金屬透鏡同樣具有放大消逝波的功用,但無論是對稱結構或是非對稱結構在金屬透鏡成像中皆會產生較多的雜訊而影響成像品質,儘管如此金屬透鏡在近場區域內仍可突破繞射極限而達到更佳的解析度。In this thesis, imaging properties and principles of lens made by metamaterial and metal are investigated. First of all, for left-handed lens, we investigate optical transfer function and transmission coefficient of left-handed lens and we employ Fourier optics to analyze the imaging characteristics of left-handed lens. The results show that left-handed lens indeed could overcome the diffraction limit by the amplification of the evanescent waves, but resolution will be limited by absorption effect, and the analysis also show that if absorption exist, imaging ability of left-handed lens will be restricted in near field. For metal lens, we analyze the characteristics of imaging in the same way with left-handed lens, we separate the metal imaging system into to part : symmetric and asymmetric structure. The results show that also metal lens could amplify evanescent waves, but both the symmetric and asymmetric structure in metal imaging will produce more noise to reduce imaging quality. In spite of this metal lens still can overcome the diffraction limit to achieve better resolution in near field.第一章 導論 1.1 背景與研究動機 1.2 文獻回顧 2.3 論文架構 4二章 左手及金屬透鏡成像原理 5.1 左手材料 5.2 負折射特性 7.3 成像原理 8三章 左手透鏡之成像 17.1 左手透鏡成像理論 17.1.1 光學傳遞函數 21.1.2 穿透係數 23.2 左手透鏡的成像 30.2.1 吸收效應對成像的影響 31.2.2 透鏡厚度對成像的影響 33四章 金屬透鏡之成像 61.1 金屬透鏡成像理論 61.1.1 表面電漿子 63.2 對稱結構下金屬透鏡的成像 67.2.1 吸收效應對成像的影響 67.2.2 透鏡厚度對成像的影響 68.3 非對稱結構下金屬透鏡的成像 69.3.1 金屬透鏡之介電係數對成像的影響 69.3.2 介電質基板之介電係數對成像的影響 69五章 結論與未來展望 97.1 結論 97.2 未來展望 98考文獻 99619058 bytesapplication/pdfen-US超穎材料左手透鏡金屬透鏡光學傳播函數消逝波解析度繞射極限metamaterialleft-handed lensmetal lensoptical transfer functionevanescent wavesresolutiondiffraction limit突破繞射極限的次波長成像Subwavelength imaging for overcoming the diffraction limitthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/188976/1/ntu-98-R96525037-1.pdf