臺灣大學: 植物病理與微生物學研究所孫岩章張元Jhang, YuanYuanJhang2013-04-192018-06-292013-04-192018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257973本實驗目的在探討常見香草植物對於四種空氣污染物質淨化的能力,並研究磁場方向對這些香草植物淨污能力的影響,以及探討香草所揮發出的香氣成分與光化污染物中的臭氧之間的關聯性。 從花市買回試驗用的香草植物,經一段時間馴化後,利用21公升薰氣箱系統做香草對於100ppb臭氧、300ppm丙酮、30ppm甲苯、30ppm氨氣沉降的試驗;結果顯示,藍小孩迷迭香對於臭氧、丙酮及甲苯皆有不錯的沉降能力,德瑞克薰衣草對於甲苯也有相當的淨污功效,而甜菊對於氨氣、甲苯沉降的效果最好,但會因其敏感性高,出現氨氣受害病徵,而使得淨污功效無法持久。經多種氣體吸收之交叉比較,則以藍小孩迷迭香、甜菊、玫瑰天竺葵三種香草植物對上述四種氣體皆有不錯的吸收能力,故值得在辦公室及住家予以推薦及應用。 另外,以磁場強度約1000mT的磁鐵置入影響的磁場方向,經一段時間馴化後,利用薰氣箱系統做香草對於100ppb臭氧、300ppm丙酮、30ppm甲苯、30ppm氨氣沉降的試驗;結果顯示,磁場方向對於香草植物淨污能力大致上無明顯影響,但少數植物,如甜菊,在負極似有增進吸收氨之趨勢。 將七種香草在晴天情況下,置入90 x 90 x 180公分之透明煙霧室,並進行臭氧及二氧化氮的監測,結果顯示七種中有五種香草可持續吸收沉降臭氧,其經50下之拍打,會釋出精油並可嗅得,但並不會增加臭氧之濃度;另兩種即藍小孩迷迭香則在拍打下可讓臭氧監測儀偵測到飆高之臭氧,而玫瑰天竺葵在拍打50下後,更讓臭氧濃度飆升6倍以上,此些臭氧濃度飆升之原因目前仍未可知,即仍有待進一步之研究。 由本研究香草植物淨污能力的結果顯示,不同植物對不同污染物有不同吸收沉降能力,建議在實際應用時應依不同場合選擇適當的香草種植,以利吸收空氣污染,而甜菊對氨氣表現出高度的敏感性,對於發展成為氨氣污染指標植物有相當的潛能。另,如香草之精油或香氣真有助臭氧之生成,則可期望控制香草之受傷程度,使其只產生小量臭氧,進而達到利用室內栽培香草植株進行最天然的室內消毒殺菌兼具淨化污染之雙重效果。The aim of this research is to investigate the ability of common herbs to purify four kinds of air pollutants, to study the effects of magnetic field direction on the capacity of herbs to purify air pollutants, and to explore the correlation between essential oils volatilized by herbs and ozone which is the main product of photochemical reaction. Herbs plants were bought from the flower market, acclimatized for a period of time, and used for uptake measurements. A transparent fumigation chamber with size of 21L, is designed to measure the uptake rate of these herbs against 100ppb ozone, 300ppm acetone, 30ppm toluene, and 30ppm ammonia. Results showed that Blue Boy rosemary has the greatest deposition velocity for absorbing ozone, acetone and toluene, Giant Lavender is also good at absorbing the pollution of toluene, and stevia has the best ability to absorb ammonia. However stevia is highly sensitive to ammonia. It will suffer and show injury symptoms, making it difficult to uptake ammonia for a long time. After a collective screening and comparison, Blue Boy rosemary, stevia, and Rose geranium are recommended as an adequate plant set for uptaking all four toxic gases in office and house. Round magnet with diameter of 1.2 cm, and magnetic field of 1000mT, were used for studying the effects of magnetic field direction on the capacity of herbs to purify four kinds of air pollutants. The transparent fumigation chamber is also used to measure the uptake rate of ozone at 100ppb, acetone at 300ppm, toluene at 30ppm, and ammonia at 30ppm, respectively. Results showed that generally the magnetic field direction can not significantly affect the capacity of herbs to purify four kinds of air pollutants. Only stevia showed higher uptake to ammonia at negative magnetic field and non magnetic field. A transparent smog chamber with size of 90 x 90 x 180Cm was designed and setup for studying the photochemical reaction related with herb essential oils. Out of seven herb species, five herbs simply play the role as air-cleaner as they can absorb ozone and nitrogen dioxide constantly in the smog chamber. However, when Blue Boy rosemary and Rose geranium were beaten for 50 times by hand to make the essential oil release, the ozone concentration bump up dramatically in the chamber. The reason is still unknown and need more investigation in the future. As different plants exhibited different capability to purify different air pollutants, we recommend people to choose the appropriate herbs at different location, so that they can clean the air more efficiently. Since stevia showed a high degree of sensitivity to ammonia, it probably can be used as an indicator plant for ammonia pollution. When the herbs were proven to induced photochemical reaction and raise the ozone concentration, we may expect to partially harm the herbs, so that the ozone concentration is only beneficial for disinfecting. Then the herbs can play both the roles of air cleaner and disinfectant in indoor areas.1834202 bytesapplication/pdfen-US香草植物臭氧丙酮甲苯氨氣磁場精油光化污染Herbsozoneacetonetolueneammoniamagnetic fieldessential oilphotochemical pollution[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG12香草植物淨污能力及與光化反應相關之研究The absorption of air pollutants by herbs and their association with photochemical reactionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257973/1/ntu-100-R98633020-1.pdf