2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714874Formerly the Department of International Trade, the Department of International Business was renamed in 1992 in response to the emerging trend of cross-country business operations. Its MBA program was established in the same year, followed by the doctoral program in 1995. With decades of the fine tradition, the Department of International Business is proud of the world-class faculty with specialty in the fields of international business, strategy, marketing, and international finance and banking. Through theoretical and practical curriculum, the department aims to cultivate management professionals with a global mindset and the cross-cultural sensitivity and capability of engaging in multinational operations. Students are thus cultivated to be the future business leaders with a global vision, strong knowledge base, analytical skills, sense of responsibility, team-work spirit, social caring, and the courage to act.臺大國際企業學系以培育國際企業經營管理頂尖人才為目標,承續臺大國貿系的優良傳統,長期以來一直穩居第一類組之第一志願。本系課程設計首重國際企業、策略管理、行銷管理與財務管理四大面向之兼容並蓄,深度與廣度並具,著重全球視野、區域連結與在地深耕之整合,培養未來全球企業的領導人才。International BusinessAcademic Institute