2008-06-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/675013摘要:本研究擬製備高表面積、規則孔洞之二氧化矽材料為基材,利用有機物嵌入與無機離子交換的反應方法嫁接二氧化鈦單分子膜,其表面經特定官能基之界面活性劑修飾後,用於選擇性吸附水中貴重金屬離子。我們將調控製備變因與嵌入特定高分子改善含二氧化鈦單分子膜中孔二氧化矽材料的質傳限制、水熱穩定性與孔口堵塞等問題。透過批次實驗與吸附模式的解析獲得此材料吸附水中貴重金屬離子的動力與熱力參數,用以比較各類修飾後中孔材料的吸附能力優劣與深入了解吸附機理。在紫外光的照射下,吸附於二氧化鈦單分子膜上的貴金屬離子能夠還原為零價貴金屬顆粒,利於回收。我們擬開發的功能性複合材料具備選擇性吸附與光催化還原能力,可將貴重金屬離子相轉移至固體材料表面,光催化還原後獲得高純度零價態貴金屬顆粒,是促進資源永續利用的新穎技術。<br> Abstract: Expansion of the functionality and improved control over the properties of ordered mesoporous silica are crucial for their application in various fields. This work is to develop high surface area and ordered mesoporous silica to graft a monolayered titania. The fuctionalization with certain surfactants to generate a charged group on the pore surface facilitates uniform distribution of precious metals in the channel of mesoporous silica containing monolayered titania. The kinetic and thermodynamic study will be adopted for the adsorption mechanism. The prepared catalysts will be applied to photocatalytic reduction of precious metals for recovery. Various spectroscopic systems, XPS, XRD, etc. will be employed to investigate the nature and mechanism of catalytic reactions. We expect to develop functionalized material to selectively adsorb and photocatalytic reduce precious metals for the purpose of environmental protection and precious metal recovery.二氧化鈦單分子膜中孔二氧化矽稀有貴金屬TitaniaMonolayeredMesoporous SilicaPrecious Metals含二氧化鈦單分子膜之中孔二氧化矽材料應用於回收稀有貴金屬之研究