護理學系SU, TSANN-JUUTSANN-JUUSUYANG, YA-LINGYA-LINGYANGTENG, SU-WENSU-WENTENG蘇燦煮楊雅玲鄧素文2009-09-132018-07-072009-09-132018-07-071997http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/165980本研究目的爲探究接受生殖科技治療婦女,在獲知受孕時,是如何面對與處理 這期待已久的喜訊?本研究採調查法,經立意取樣,共收集30個個案。資料之收集, 於個案接受胚胎植入後,經確定受孕後之二週內,以半結構之會談指引,電話會談, 並將會談內容紀錄,再經內容分析法分析。本研究結果發現,接受生殖科技治療受孕 之婦女,獲知自己受孕時之經驗曆程共發歸類爲五類,且其分別運用不同的調 適行爲:(l)對幸運受孕感到興奮,其調適行包括「與親近親友分享 」及「警惕自己存保留的態度」;(2)對治療歷程備感艱辛,其調適行爲包括 「迥避回想治療程式」及「主動提供治療過程中受孕之相關訊息」;(3)對胚胎的存 在缺乏真實感,其調適行爲包括「一再比較βhCG之數值的提高與否」,「等 待一週又一週後超音波之影像的視受感受」及「等待印象中妊娠害喜現象的出現」; (4)對胚胎是否正常與持續成長發育缺乏信心,其調適行爲包括「時時謹慎地 監測生理上的彎化」,及「尋求有助促進胚胎成長之日常生活措施的改變」;(5)對 身體上的不適感到難以忍受,其調適行爲包括「尋求確切的判定正常與否」及 「靜待追些症狀快速解除」。本研究結果可提供具體護理服務之依據。 The purposes of this survey study were to explore the experience and adaptation of the women who received assisted reproductive treatment when conception was diagnosed. Using purposive sampling, 30 subjects were recruited. Data were collected by telephone contact through semi- structured interview guides. All the data were recorded in narrative form, and analyzed with content analysis. The findings showed that the subjects ’ experiences and adaptive behaviors included: (1) Excitement at their luck in conceiving. They shared their happiness with significant others. However, they reminded themselves to be cautious, (2 ) Perception of the difficulty of the treatment process. They avoid reminding themselves of the hard process. But they occasionally provided useful information to help others in achieving conception, (3) Lacking a realistic perception of fertilization. So, they compared β hCG data, waited for the results of ultrasonic examination, and awaited the occurrence of morning sickness, (4 ) Lacking the confidence of normal pregnacy. They always monitored their physical changes and tried to find appropriate activities. (5) Lack tolerance for their physical changes. They wanted to confirm that all the symptoms were normal and waited for the symptoms to pass.en-USThe Experience and Adaptation of Women Who Received Assisted Reproductive Treatment during Their Conception Announced接受生殖科技治療婦女於確定 受孕時之經驗感受與調適歷程