天主教輔仁大學資訊管理系Department of Information Management, Fu-Jen Catholic University吳怡瑾林書偉Wu, I-ChinI-ChinWuLin, Shu-WeiShu-WeiLin2010-06-232018-05-302010-06-232018-05-302010-06企業在面對產業環境快速變革之際,如何透過知識管理以創造組織價值活動,並善用智慧資產提升組織核心能力,已成為企業提昇商業智能的重要議題。專案計畫的執行為公司內重要的知識管理活動,專案包含了多項知識密集性高的工作,本研究透過歷史專案與工作集合中萃取所需的資訊,設計專案情境屬性資訊模式(project-in-context, PIC),提出基於專案屬性資訊之知識發掘與再利用平台。因此本研究主要內容包括:(1)專案資訊擷取:分析專案執行過程各階段所需的相關知識物件,透過知識工程的程序,由歷史工作集合中萃取、分析工作相關文件資訊;(2)專案知識發掘:結合文件探勘與資料探勘技術,萃取重要專案概念並根據PIC模型定義之知識物件以分析物件間的關聯;(3)專案屬性資訊利用:研究由主動搜尋與被動遞送的角度設計與探討由專案屬性建構情境資訊利用之實際運作模式。由專案計畫管理的角度出發,本研究提出之方法與系統可協助知識工作者快速的瞭解工作脈絡並有效解決問題。Organizations implement Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) to maximize the effectiveness and reuse of knowledge assets in order to increase productivity and profitability. Thus, effective project management can place great demands on knowledge management solutions designed to support and streamline the execution of project-related tasks. Accordingly, in this work we extract knowledge from historical projects, design a project-in-context (PIC) meta-model, and deploy a platform that facilitates the capture and reuse of project-specific information based on the context. The research areas addressed in the work are as follows. (1) Knowledge acquisition: analyzing the type of project and its associated attributes and defining general, but essential, project context information based on the PIC model. (2) Knowledge discovery: the use of text mining and data mining techniques to extract knowledge items needed by workers, and discover the relationships between various knowledge items. (3) Knowledge utilization based on the context: with the proposed model and methods, several applications related to the reuse of project knowledge by pull- and push-based knowledge management strategies are developed to achieve effective project management. From the perspective of project management, the proposed model and system can help knowledge workers understand information about a current research project and resolve problems effectively.3223757 bytesapplication/pdfen-US資料探勘知識發掘知識再利用專案情境資訊模式文件探勘Data MiningKnowledge DiscoveryKnowledge ReuseProject Context InformationText Mining基於專案屬性資訊之知識探勘與再利用平台發展A Platform for Supporting Knowledge Mining and Reuse Based on Context Information of a Projectjournal articledoi: 10.6182/jlis.2010.8(1).097