電機資訊學院: 電信工程學研究所指導教授: 盧信嘉陳威凱Chen, Wei-KaiWei-KaiChen2017-03-062018-07-052017-03-062018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276244本篇論文提出兩種設計於毫米波頻段的晶片製程天線,第一個使用CMOS 40nm製程的140GHz 開槽環形天線,另一個是使用90 nm的製程的38 GHz人造磁導體型領結式天線。 第一個開槽環形晶片天線,使用開槽結構易於滿足晶片下線規範。在晶片下方封裝低損耗的子彈型矽透鏡,將表面波能量轉化為輻射能量,有效提升天線輻射效率及增益。以全波電磁模擬軟體模擬三種不同大小的透鏡天線輻射特性,找出最佳子彈型透鏡比例,並考慮晶片於透鏡中心的偏移量所造成的主波束偏移,此透鏡天線擁有高增益及窄波束的特性。在天線反射係數部分,將晶片放置於含地的大片矽晶圓上,其模擬結果相似於晶片置於透鏡上,因量測設備的限制,量測頻段從140 GHz到220 GHz,–10 dB頻寬從至少140 GHz到176 GHz。在場型部份,模擬三種透鏡半徑分別為2.5 mm、5 mm以及8 mm的情況下,其透鏡天線增益分別為11.3 dB、17.3 dB、21.3 dB,輻射效率皆在37 %左右。 第二個為人造磁導體型領結式晶片天線,使用差模饋入且寬頻的領結式天線,並在天線下設計人造磁導體結構以提升天線輻射效率。使用雙層方型的人造磁導體,其單元尺寸較小,於單有限面積下能放置較多的單元,能較貼近磁導體特性。此晶片實際面積為2.1 1.5 mm2,下針量測差模反射係數,頻寬為34.4 GHz到42.1 GHz,而場型的模擬,因非預期切割道外圍金屬的影響,模擬天線增益由–3.2 dB下降至–5.1 dB,輻射效率由11 %掉至7 %。 兩晶片上皆與主動電路做整合,在中間皆額外設計下針平板,以利於電路及天線的特性量測,並提出兩種整合晶片的量測環境的架設,以驗證其天線場型及整體特性。In this thesis, two kinds of on-chip antennas which operating at millimeter wave bands are proposed, namely, a slot ring antenna at 140 GHz using CMOS 40 nm technology and a bow-tie antenna at 38 GHz using CMOS 90 nm technology. First of all, a 140 GHz slot ring on-chip antenna is designed and fabricated. To comply with design rules of standard CMOS process, slot antenna is selected due to its easy adjustment of metal density. In addition, low-loss silicon bullet-shaped lens are mounted below the chip to convert the power of surface wave to radiation, thereby increasing antenna gain and efficiency. Three different sizes of lens are studied in full-wave simulation to find out optimized lens shape. Moreover, since in practice, it is hard to mount chip exactly at the center of the lens, the influences of the chip position on the offset of main beam is considered. This antenna features high gain and narrow beam. Afterward, in order to measure the reflection coefficient by probe, they are mounted on lossy silicon wafers to emulate the effects of silicon lens. Due to equipment limitation, measured frequency is from 140 to 220 GHz. The 10-dB bandwidth of this antenna is from at least 140 to 176 GHz. As for the antenna patterns, for silicon lens with radius 2.5, 5 and 8 mm, the simulated antenna gains are 11.3, 17.3 and 21.3 dB, respectively. The antenna efficiency is about 37% for all cases. Next, a 38 GHz bow-tie on-chip antenna with artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) is studied and fabricated. Broadband bow-tie antenna is chosen and AMC is designed below to enhance efficiency. Differential-mode feeding is adopted to work with active on-chip circuit. Since double-layer square AMC has small unit cell compared with other structures, it is used to put more cells in a finite area. The total size of this chip is 2.1 1.5 mm2. Its 10-dB bandwidth is from 34.4 to 42.1 GHz. Due to the unexpected surrounding metal from dicing, the simulated antenna gain drops from –3.2 to –5.1 dB while the efficiency reduces from 11 to 7 %. These two antennas are all integrated with active circuits on chips. Between the antennas and the active circuits, bond pads are added in order to measure each antenna and active circuit respectively. In addition, measurement setups for both chips are proposed to check not only antenna patterns but also the complete chip properties.6846685 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)毫米波晶片天線開槽環形天線矽透鏡封裝領結式天線人造磁導體millimeter waveon-chip antennaintegrated silicon lensslot ring antennabow-tie antennaartificial magnetic conductor應用於毫米波之透鏡型與人造磁導體型晶片天線On-chip Antennas with Silicon Lens and with AMC structure for Millimeter Wavethesis10.6342/NTU201602894http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276244/1/ntu-105-R03942085-1.pdf