2011-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/694304摘要:基因調控網路被認為在演化過程產生新的特性時,扮演重要的角色。而 研究基因調控網路的此一特質或許能為植物育種提供新的視界。演化發育學 能提供適切的研究方法探討基因調控網路對演化方向的影響。此方法即是比 較兩個不同物種之間相同發育過程所需要參與調控的基因。本研究計畫欲以 定位選殖稻穎花突變體 slp 作為起點,探索控制稻穎花發育的基因調控網 路,並於將來與阿拉伯芥花發育的基因調控網路進行比較。 本計畫將以一秈稻品種與臺農67 號穎花突變體 slp 雜交產生一個有 1024 株F2 植株的遺傳定位族群,以便將 slp 定位到小於 61kb 的染色體 區間。並計畫藉由比對 slp 突變體與臺農67 號之間 DNA 序列的不同,希 望能從位於先前 slp 定位區間內的所有候選基因中,找出單一候選基因,並 以基因轉殖的方式,進行遺傳互補性測驗,以確認SLP 基因。 <br> Abstract: Gene regulatory network is considered to play the central role for the evolutionary novelty, which may shade light on the new insight of plant breeding. Evolutionary development provides the working frame to study the evolutionary novelty in terms of gene regulatory network, via the comparison of the same developmental program between two different species. In order to achieve this goal, we attempt to join the efforts to characterize the gene regulatory network for the development of spikelet in rice, starting from characterizing the stunt lemma palea (slp) mutant which was derived from sodium-azide treated rice seeds. The comparison to the gene regulatory network for the floral development in Arabidopsis will follow. An F2 mapping population with 1024 individuals will be created by crossing an indica rice with the slp mutant, which was originally derived from the japonica rice, TN 67. slp mutant is expected to be mapped in a chromosomal region smaller than 61kb. By the DNA sequence comparisons between the slp mutant and the TN67, slp would be able to be identified from several candidate genes. Besides, the complementation test via genetic transformation will be conducted to confirm the SLP gene.穎花突變遺傳定位選殖ricespikeletmutantgenetic mappingcloning定位選殖控制水稻內外穎發育停滯的突變因子 slp