2003-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/710086摘要:本計畫將探討國內工業關鍵零組件表面聲波元件之特性。表面聲波元件由於具有體積小、重量輕、高性能、與IC製程相容及可模組化等優點,使其在電子工業及通訊產業應用廣泛,國內近年來也陸續投入研發的工作,如欲提升競爭優勢,勢必提升相關的理論分析、製程研究及設計能力。 本研究計畫將整合且有系統地包含理論建立、數值計算、元件製作及實驗量測。以八階波傳理論配合有效介電常數的計算,探討層狀壓電結構的波傳特性及機電耦合係數,模擬分析交指叉狀轉能器的頻率響應,並進而利用溫度延遲係數的計算,探討溫度效應對中心頻率及頻寬飄移的影響。實驗量測方面,實際以微機電製程製作表面聲波元件,完成頻率響應及溫度延遲係數的量測,並將實驗結果與理論分析比較驗證。此外,並將分析非層狀幾何結構表面聲波元件之波傳特性及製作可行性。本研究計畫為兩年期計畫,第一年主要完成層狀表面聲波元件的理論分析建立、實驗量測及元件製作,第二年則建立表面聲波元件溫度效應影響之理論分析、實驗量測,以及非層狀壓電幾何結構表面聲波元件的波傳分析 <br> Abstract: In this project, the characteristic of the layered SAW device will be investigated by applying the effective surface permittivity method. The advantage of modeling the SAW device with effective surface permittivity method is that frequency bandwidth, the center frequency shift and insertion loss can be evaluated. The layered dispersive SAW devices will be fabricated with MEMS process. By analyzing and computing the temperature coefficient of delay, the temperature stability of the SAW devices can be determined which will be a very useful information for practical application. The results of frequency response of the IDTs predicted by the theoretical calculation and measured by the network analyzer will be compared and discussed. In addition, the fabrication feasibility and wave propagation of special piezoelectric structure SAW devices will be probed. This is a two year project, the first year is focused on the theoretical analysis, fabrication of devices and experimental measurement. The second year, we will discuss the thermal on the SAW device effect and wave propagation of piezoelectric structures with special geometry.表面聲波層狀介質交指叉狀轉能器有效介電常數溫度延遲係數壓電SAWlayered mediumIDTeffective permittivityTCDpiezoelectric layer溫度對壓電層狀介質之表面聲波元件特性之影響(1/2)