臺灣大學: 政治學研究所張佑宗陳其睿Chen, Chi-JunChi-JunChen2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254197發展型國家理論主要用於解釋二戰之後東亞新興工業化國家之興起,強調國家機器在經濟發展和產業轉型中所扮演的角色,並以國家自主性、國家能力、領航機構的存在以及公私緊密的鑲嵌作為主要特質。台灣在1990年代以前的制度框架以及發展模式被視為典型的發展型國家之一,然而在1990年代起受到全球化以及民主化的挑戰,面臨調適或是消逝兩種不同的路徑選擇。本文主要探討台灣國家機器在生技製藥產業中所扮演的角色,選定國光生技做為主要案例研究的對象,探討台灣國家角色在經濟發展中的變遷,以及發展型國家理論的適用性。   本文分為五章,第一章為緒論,主要說明本研究之研究動機、問題意識以及 研究架構。第二章為發展型國家理論,介紹發展型國家理論之起源與內涵,並與新古典經濟學做一對照和比較。第三章為全球化、民主化後發展型國家調適或消逝之爭辯,以調適論和消逝論做為主軸觀察發展型國家在1980年代面臨全球化、民主化以及亞洲金融危機後的路徑選擇,最後針對台灣的案例做簡單之回顧和預測。第四章為台灣生技製藥產業的發展,探究台灣發展生技製藥的時空背景和發展歷程,並說明政策方向和台灣生技製藥所面臨之困境。第五章為國家在國光生技所扮演的角色,主要檢視政府與國光生技的合作,觀察政府在國光生技中所扮演的角色是否符合發展型國家理論的內涵,分析台灣政府在面臨民主化以及全球化時,政策主導性出現哪些變化。第六章為臺灣國家角色的變遷與發展,針對上述研究內容做出總結,回顧從過去到現在台灣發展型國家如何變遷,並對台灣未來的生技製藥產業做出預測與期許。 關鍵字:發展型國家理論、發展型國家、全球化、民主化、生技製藥產業、國光生技The developmental state theory mainly explains the rise of the East Asian newly industrializing countries (NICs), and the theory puts emphasis on the role of the state in economic development and industrial transition. Developmental states are characterized by state autonomy, state capacity, pilot agency, and the embeddedness between public and private sectors. Before 1990’s, Taiwan is regarded as a typical developmental state according to its institutions and development model. However, after 1990’s, challenged by globalization and democratization, Taiwan developmental state is confronted with two different path choices of adaptation and decline. My thesis is to discuss the role Taiwan’s government plays in the biotechnology drug industry, and choose Adimmune Corporation as a case study to examine the transition of Taiwan’s state and the applicability of developmental state theory. There are six chapters in this thesis. Chapter 1 is introduction, which proposes my research motivation, awareness of question, and research framework. Chapter 2 is developmental state theory, which introduces the origin and content of the theory, and draws a parallel between it and neo-classical economics. Chapter 3 is about the debate between the "adaptation theory" and "decline theory" over whether developmental states will adpat or decline when faced with the challenges of globalization, democratization, and the Asian financial crisis. Also, this chapter briefly reviews the case of Taiwan as a developmental state. Chapter 4 is the development of Taiwan’s biotechnology drug industry, which analyzes the background and process of this industry, and indicates the policy direction and the dilemma Taiwan confronts. Chapter 5 is the state’s role in Addimune Corporation, which observes the cooperation between the government and the company, and to see whether the state’s role in Addumune Corporation can conform to the content of developmental state theory. At the same time this chapter also examines what kind of changes there will be in policy leadership when faced with globalization and democratization. Chapter 6 is transition and development of Taiwan’s state. This chapter concludes the content above, and makes a review about how Taiwan developmental state transforms. In the end, I make a prediction and expectation for Taiwan’s biotechnology drug industry. Keywords: developmental state theory, developmental state, globalization, democratization, biotechnology drug industry, Addimune Corporation1484466 bytesapplication/pdfen-US發展型國家理論發展型國家全球化民主化生技製藥產業國光生技developmental state theorydevelopmental stateglobalizationdemocratizationbiotechnology drug industryAddimune Corporation[SDGs]SDG8發展型國家的調適或消逝:以國光生技製藥為例Adaptation or Decline of Developmental State: An Example of Adimmune Biotechnology Corporationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254197/1/ntu-101-R98322013-1.pdf