臺灣大學: 國家發展研究所陳明通林展暉Lin, Chan-HuiChan-HuiLin2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254386本文旨在研究美、中兩國之間的戰略互動與台灣安全三者間的連動關係,在美國-中國-台灣戰略三角基礎架構下,以台灣建構飛彈防禦系統作為中介變項,分析小布希總統主政時期,美國與中國在戰略、政策與行為互動中,美國如何運用台灣建構飛彈防禦系統等敏感性議題制衡中國在亞太區域的軍事擴張。本文透過假設演繹法設定「美中戰略互動」與「台灣建構飛彈防禦系統」之間,存有相互影響的互動關係,並以權力帄衡理論與國家利益觀點論述本文假設,「美中之間戰略衝突越激烈將越有利美國支持台灣建構飛彈防禦系統。」 研究結果論證,美國與中國競合過程中台灣安全確實扮演兩國政軍互動中的制軸角色,美中兩國戰略競爭壓力愈大,美國對台灣安全的支持行動則愈明顯。並透過研究獲得美國對台灣獲得關鍵性國防武力的構思與策略,與美國與中共對於台灣獲得關鍵性武器裝備的認知與反應,以及台灣在思考重要軍售案所頇歷經的爭議與過程。最後,儘管台灣馬英九政府上伕後致力於推動兩岸關係的和緩與交流,但中共顯然將兩岸關係與兩岸軍事關係脫鉤看待,面對中國步步進逼的武力威脅,與美中戰略互動高度複雜的本質中,台灣處在美中兩大強權勢力的縫隙中,如何謀得生存之道,將是未來安全與否的關鍵課題。The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the interactive relationship between United States-China strategic interaction and Taiwan security. More specifically, under the US–China–Taiwan strategic triangle framework during George W. Bush-era, considering Taiwan Missile Defense System construction as variable, the author is to analyze how United States manipulates some sensitive issue like Taiwan Missile Defense System construction to balance against China’s martial expansion in Asia-Pacific Zone. The author adopts hypothetical-deductive method to hypothesize that there is a mutual interactive relationship between US–China strategic interaction and Taiwan Missile Defense System construction, and assume that ―the more drastic the strategic conflict between United States and China is, the more inclined that United States would support Taiwan to construct Missile Defense System‖ based on the perspective of Balance of Power Theory and National Interest point of view. The research result demonstrates that Taiwan security definitely plays a crucial role in the co-opetition relationship between United States and China. The higher the US–China strategic competition pressure is, the more actions United States would take to support Taiwan security. Through further investigation, the author also dissects the United States’ strategy and manipulation on supporting Taiwan to construct crucial national defenses, US and China’s recognition and reactions on Taiwan’s construction of national defenses, and the dispute process that Taiwan might go through when considering major Foreign Military Sales projects. Finally, even though the President of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou have been dedicated into improving the cross-strait relations and communication since his taking office in May 2008, China absolutely treats the cross-strait relations and cross-strait military affairs respectively. As facing continuous military offense threats from China, and sandwiched between two mighty powers United States and China, how could Taiwan survive in the tight corner will be the very key issue for Taiwan future.2228266 bytesapplication/pdfen-US戰略互動權力平衡國家利益飛彈防禦美中台三邊關係Stragetic InteractionBalance of powerNational InterestMissile DefenseThe U.S., Taiwan and China Triangular Relationship美中戰略互動對台灣飛彈防禦系統影響之研究-布希政府時期政策檢視The Research of U.S.-Sino Strategic Interaction and the Impact on Taiwan Missile Defense System-- An Assessment of George W. Bush’s Policyhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254386/1/ntu-99-R94341060-1.pdf