臺灣大學: 地理環境資源學研究所賴進貴巫吉玲Wu, Chi-LingChi-LingWu2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/248047本研究建置一「校外教學情報站」教學應用網站,採學生本位教學模式、互動式地理資訊平臺的應用整合;旨在透過電子地圖融入校外教學活動,強調「以學生為中心」,以Google maps為平臺,不同於傳統平面的地圖,讓學生自主學習操作與設計校外教學行程規劃,具備獨立思考與解決問題的能力,感知人與空間的互動。 透過專家問卷統計分析,網站列出低、中、高年級校外教學推薦地點,提供師生校外教學規劃之參考。教學過程採行動研究模式,藉由GIS科技平臺的整合,教師從旁引導,探討學童參與校外教學規劃之可行性,激發學生主動學習之動機,觀察學童間、師生間之互動情況,瞭解學童學習反應、學習成效與評價及可能遭遇的困境,打破傳統由教師主導校外教學活動內容的舊習。This study constructs a teaching-applied website, Field Trip Information Service. It is based on a student-centered approach and the application and integration of Interactive Geographic Information Platform. The aim is for the teacher to utilize electronic maps on field trips, emphasizing the student-centered approach. Unlike traditional 2D maps, the Google maps as the platform makes students spontaneously learn how to operate and design the planning of field trips, and provide them with the ability of independent thinking and problem solving, and the perception of interaction between people and space. Through the statistic analysis of professional questionnaires, the website listed some recommended field trip locations for all grades of elementary schools, and provided teachers and students references of field trip planning. The teaching process was based on an action-research pattern. By the integration of GIS technology platform, the teacher gets to instruct and discuss the plausibility of students participating in the planning of field trips, to inspire students’ motivations of spontaneous learning, to understand students’ feedback on learning and achievements, and to estimate the possible difficulties. By observing the interactions between the teacher and students, one can break the old traditional teaching patterns, in which the filed trips were dominated mainly by the teacher.4002952 bytesapplication/pdfen-US互動式地理資訊平臺校外教學電子地圖Interactive Geographic Information Platformfield tripelectric maps互動式地理資訊平臺應用於國小校外教學之研究Applications on Interactive Geographic Information Platform in Elementary School Field Tripshttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/248047/1/ntu-99-P97228001-1.pdf