指導教授:黃鼎偉臺灣大學:光電工程學研究所張家民Chang, Chia-MinChia-MinChang2014-11-262018-07-052014-11-262018-07-052014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/261897表面電漿子(surface plasmon polariton, SPP)是由外加電磁波與金屬薄膜作用後激發的表面電荷震盪現象。此現象在金屬薄膜表面的近場範圍內產生光場的侷域化效應,並形成表面電漿子傳遞波。表面電漿波與表面奈米結構之間的交互作用除了近場的穿透與反射波外,還有遠場的散射現象,而如何利用表面的奈米結構操控表面電漿波是目前電漿子元件研究上的重要議題。本論文研究基於此物理現象與需求,利用飛秒雷射製作特殊的金奈米凸起結構,並由全反射式光學量測系統量測金屬奈米結構與表面電漿波交互作用的遠場散射影像,並探討其遠場散射行為與操控散射光之應用,藉此發展奈米尺度之三維光操控元件。 本論文分作兩部分,第一部分針對單波長激發的表面電漿波與金奈米凸起結構交互作用的光學散射特性作討論,並分析其不同聚焦平面之散射影像,觀察圓弧結構的三維空間聚焦與發散現象。此金奈米凸起結構提供垂直方向的波向量使表面電漿波輻射到三維空間。在此基礎上,進而設計金奈米凸起結構的幾何排列操控表面電漿波的三維散射行為,加以控制聚焦位置、高度以及光強度空間分布。第二部分討論多波長激發的表面電漿波與金奈米凸起作用的散射結果,觀察激發波長、圓弧排列之金奈米凸起結構、聚焦位置三者之間的相互關係,並量測其幾何排列對於表面電漿波的多波長三維散射行為。 綜合上述,本研究利用雷射於金薄膜表面加工製作金奈米凸起結構,研究其與可見光波段激發之表面電漿波交互作用後,退耦回遠場散射光的現象,並利用奈米凸起結構之幾何排列操控散射光於三維空間中重建聚焦,探討可見光波段激發之表面電漿波與此結構之散射行為。此研究結果將有助於發展三維光操控,積體光學元件以及表面電漿子元件之應用。Using nanostructures to manipulate surface plasmon polariton (SPP) plane waves is an important issue. The interactions of surface nanostructure on SPP wave involve not only the in-plane behavior, but also out-of-plane scattering which is captured as the far-field radiated light. In this dissertation, by using the monochrome laser and multiwavlength laser, the three-dimensional focusing and diverging of SPP waves by a plasmonic structure composed of laser-fabricated gold nanobumps were studied. The forward and backward scattering from individual gold nanobump are observed above and below gold surface, respectively. The gold nanobump structure confers additional three-dimensional propagating wave vectors on SPP wave for departing from surface. A practical application to manipulate the three-dimensional plasmonic scattering is proposed by arranging the gold nanobumps. We manipulate the scattering of SPP waves by various plasmonic structures composed of arranged nanobumps on a gold thin film. Upon controlling the geometry of the plasmonic structures, the height, position, and pattern of scattered light can be modified as desired. It provides a simple and efficient way to project a specific light pattern into free space, and demonstrate the capability of three-dimensional light manipulation. By precisely designing a particular curved structure with appropriate radius of curvature and adjacent interspacing of nanobumps, we can construct a clear single focusing spot at a specific altitude. These results confirm the easy controllability of the focused spot in three-dimensional space by settling the unit curved structures. This research has potential to be applied in the area such as the integrated photonic circuit in the future.口試委員會審定書 i 致謝 ii 中文摘要 iii Abstract iv Chapter 1. Introduction of surface plasmon polariton 1 1. 1. Surface plasmon resonance 1 1.1.1 Historical review 1 1.1.2 Volume plasmon resonance 3 1.1.3 Surface plasmon resonance (SPP) 7 1.1.4 Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) 14 1. 2. Literary review of interaction between surface plasmon polaritons and surface structures 16 Chapter 2. Introduction of laser fabrication technology 28 2. 1. Nano- and micro-structural fabrication technology 28 2. 2. Laser lithography technology 31 Chapter 3. Motivation 35 Chapter 4. Experimental 36 4. 1. Introduction and principle of four target sputtering system 36 4.1.1 Introduction and Principle of sputter 36 4.1.2 Sputtering method and process 38 4.1.3 Thin film preparation 40 4. 2. Femto-second laser fabrication system 41 4.2.1 System setup 41 4.2.2 Introduction of optical components 42 4. 3. Atomics force microscopy (AFM) 52 4.3.1 Introduction and principle of AFM 52 4.3.2 Operation mode of AFM 54 4. 4. Total internal reflection microscopy 58 4.4.1 System setup 58 4.4.2 Introduction of optical components 59 Chapter 5. Results and discussion 63 5. 1. Femto-second laser fabrication results and discussion 63 5.1.1 Surface morphology of individual nanobump 63 5.1.2 Surface morphology of quarter circular nanobumps 64 5.1.3 Surface morphology of curved nanobumps arrangements 65 5.1.4 Surface morphology of designed nanobumps arrangement 68 5.1.5 Formation mechanism of nanobump structures 70 5. 2. Surface plasmon wave scattering under monochrome incidence 72 5.2.1 The individual nanobump 72 5.2.2 The quarter circular nanobumps array 76 5.2.3 Physics picture and description of the scattering and focusing spot of nanobumps 79 5.2.4 The TIRM images of curved nanobumps array with different curvature 80 5.2.5 The single focusing spot characterization of designed curved nanobumps 85 5.2.6 Pattern projection of designed nanobumps arrangement 87 5. 3. Surface plasmon wave scattering under full color incidence 91 5.3.1 TIRM images of curved nanobumps array with different curvatures under white light laser incidence 91 5.3.2 Full color pattern projection of designed nanobumps arrangement 95 5.3.3 The TIRM images of curved nanobumps array with different curvatures under three wavelength laser incidence 97 5.3.4 Pattern projection of designed nanobumps arrangement under three primary color laser incidence 102 Chapter 6. Conclusion and future work 105 6. 1. Conclusion 105 6. 2. Future works 106 References 1085670453 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2016/08/16論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)表面電漿子奈米結構光操控奈米加工表面光學表面電漿金奈米結構之三維全彩光操控研究Three-dimensional full color light manipulation by plasmonic nanostructuresthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/261897/1/ntu-103-D00941029-1.pdf