畢恆達臺灣大學:建築與城鄉研究所程詩馨Cheng, Shih-HsinShih-HsinCheng2007-11-292018-06-292007-11-292018-06-292007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/61975國家公園興建山屋的立意是好的,然而,在「山屋」與「登山者所追尋的登山體驗」之間,似乎存在著一些矛盾之處。因此,本研究欲釐清登山者對山屋所產生的矛盾心理是什麼?又其原由為何?除了進行登山者自身的反思之外,另一方面,則是針對國家公園的構想進行山屋的反思,從登山者的使用行為及偏好,指出現有山屋的優缺點所在,以供管理單位參考。本研究採用質性研究的手法,深入訪談十二位登山者,以理解其登山的體驗和想法,並描繪出一幅登山者想像的登山地圖,以及山屋在這樣的想像中扮演的角色和產生的作用。 本研究發現登山者所追尋的登山體驗是要貼近自然的;是要欣賞原始風貌的;在這樣的環境中亦是提供登山者冒險的可能;上山更是作為逃離山下文明的手段;並藉由隔離(排外)塑造團體內的親密感等。然而,山屋卻阻隔了登山者與自然的連結;且其本身就是一個非自然的存在(人工的設施);對於尋求冒險的登山者來說,其則是降低了環境的不確定性;山屋也代表著文明的制約,就跟山下一樣;山屋聚集人群的特性,則是讓登山者不覺間回到一個小社會。然而,每個登山者的登山動機都不盡相同,所以以上所述的各種矛盾,並非所有登山者都會產生。又即使是同一個登山者,其動機也會隨著時空和情境而轉變。所以,就登山活動整體而言,「山屋」與「登山者所追尋的登山體驗」之間確實有一些矛盾存在,然而,若針對個別登山者而言,由於受到登山者心理變化的影響,這些矛盾對登山者來說並不是絕對的。 除此之外,國家公園興建山屋有三大目標,包括提升登山安全、保護生態環境以及提升登山者的住宿品質。從安全的角度檢視現有的山屋,它確實能夠為登山者抵禦惡劣氣候的威脅,但是,山屋是固定的,登山者必須認知到其有限性,才不致於完全依賴它。至於山屋的住宿品質方面,它比較保暖、乾燥、活動方便且有安全感,但是團體間的干擾亦相當大,所以住山屋未必能獲得比較好的休息效果,又前述所提的「矛盾」亦可能是降低住宿品質的原因。 本研究藉由十二位登山者登山體驗的分享,努力呈現出登山活動的樣貌,並以山屋為媒介,進行登山者與國家公園之間的對話。一方面讓登山者了解國家公園興建山屋的用意,另一方面則是讓國家公園了解現有山屋的缺點,透過雙方的意見交流,以期使山屋發揮更大的功能,並減少可能的負面影響。而山屋與登山活動之間又是緊密相關的,因此在檢討山屋的過程中,同時也是對登山活動的反思,可以讓登山者發現自己觀點的侷限,也讓國家公園更了解登山者的需求。The intention of building mountain hut in the National Park is a considering idea. But it seems to be certain contradiction to the mountaineering experience that the climber was looking forward to. Therefore, this thesis was to realize the ambiguous feeling of the climber facing the mountain hut and the origin of this kind of feeling. Meanwhile, I put the idea of mountain hut planned by National Park into consideration through the behavior and preference of the climbers as a feedback for the administration. This research was based on qualitative research method. Twelve in-depth interviews were taken to grasp their experience in order to draw an imaginative mountaineering map and the meaning and leading effect of the hut located on the map. This thesis showed the mountaineering experience that the climber was looking forward is nature intended as to provide the possibility of adventure, a way of escaping the human artifact. This kind of "isolation" of common world may reconstruct the solidarity of the members in the group. But the mountain hut, an artificial stuff, hindered the connection between the mountain climber and the nature. To the climbers, looking for risky experience, the mountain hut reduced uncertainty of the environment. It also stands for the restriction resulting from the civilization just like the status before we put on our package. People encountered ordinary social condition what they're trying to get away from in the mountain hut since it gathered lots of people. But this feeling is not necessary the same between every climber, their motives differed and changed following the time and space. Furthermore, there are three main goals of the National Park to build the mountain hut: the development of the safety of mountaineering, protection of ecological environment and the improvement of the living quality. Of course from the perspective of safety, mountain hut was definitely a great defense against the threat of inclemency, but it was rooted and temporarily safe during the whole process of mountain climbing. It's limited thus the climber must realize this point so that they wouldn't absolutely count on it. As for the living quality, mountain hut is warmer, dryer, more convenient and safer. But the interferences between groups was greater also, thus people might not get enough rest there. The ambiguous feeling we just mentioned about may be one of the reasons too. This research worked hard on the construction the picture of mountaineering through the experience sharing between twelve climbers. Building intentions and post occupancy mixed in the discussion of mountain hut that turned it to be an intermediary between the climbers and the National Park. Through the conversation, we could reconsider the meaning of mountain hut to minimize the negative effects in order to maximize the utility. The mountain hut was also bound with the idea of mountaineering. During this process of reflection on the mountain hut, it lightened the blind spot of the climbers and improved the National Park's understanding of the need of climbers what they're trying to satisfy.中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第一章 研究緣起 1 第二章 文獻回顧與研究發問 4 第一節 山屋相關研究 4 第二節 山難與登山風險 5 第三節 冒險 12 第四節 登山相關研究 17 第五節 研究發問 20 第三章 研究方法與歷程 23 第一節 研究範圍界定 23 第二節 研究方法 24 第三節 訪談對象選取 25 第四節 研究歷程概述與反省 30 第四章 什麼是登山?為什麼要登山? 32 第一節 登山是一個過程 32 第二節 是爬山也是爬人 40 第五章 從山屋反思台灣的登山體驗 57 第一節 國家公園想像的登山地圖 57 第二節 有山屋就會住山屋? 63 第三節 登山安全與安全地登山 71 第四節 保護生態與生態登山 79 第六章 結論 84 參考文獻 87 附錄一 玉山、雪霸、太魯閣國家公園山屋現況 91 附錄二 訪談大綱 964406635 bytesapplication/pdfen-US登山登山體驗國家公園山屋登山動機登山安全MountaineeringMountaineering ExperienceNational ParkMountain HutMountaineering MotiveMountaineering Safety從山屋反思台灣的登山體驗Reflections on Mountaineering Experience in Taiwan from the Point of View of Mountain Hutthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/61975/1/ntu-96-R93544001-1.pdf