胡振國Hwu, Jenn-Gwo臺灣大學:電子工程學研究所莊庭彰Chuang, Ting-ChangTing-ChangChuang2010-07-142018-07-102010-07-142018-07-102008U0001-2907200811291500http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/189092在本論文中,我們利用陽極氧化的技術備製金氧半太陽能電池中的氧化層。首先,我們先針對氧化層的厚度對太陽能電池的效率做探討,由於氧化層太薄而無法利用電容-電壓特性曲線來求得厚度,因此我們利用電流-電壓之特性曲線估計氧化層之厚度,我們發現厚度分布在1.4nm到1.6nm有較佳的轉換效率。在第二章我們還利用氧化銦錫透明導電鍍膜代替鋁電極,希望利用氧化銦錫的高透光性以加強金氧半太陽能電池之效率,最後在此章節,於陽極氧化備製氧化層時我們施以一壓縮應力,並探討壓縮應力對金氧半太陽能電池的影響。第三章節中,我們對金氧半太陽能電池的穩定性作探討。首先,我們先量測太陽能電池在照光下其效率、短路電流以及開路電壓之變化,我們發現效率及開路電壓皆減少,而短路電流則幾乎不變。在第二部份,我們對金氧半太陽能電池作負偏壓溫度不穩定性研究(NBTI),我們發現短路電流有略微的增加,轉換效率及開路電壓皆下降。後,我們對金氧半太陽能電池的特性以及穩定度做一結論。我們發現當氧化層厚度較薄時,其轉換效率較高。然而,在本實驗中氧化銦錫替代鋁電極以及於氧化層備製過程時施加一壓縮應力都會造成效率的下降。在穩定性方面,隨著光照時間的增加,金氧半太陽能電池的效率以及開路電壓也隨之下降。In this thesis, we prepared the oxides of MOS solar cells by anodization technique. First, we investigated the effect of oxide thickness to the efficiency of the solar cells. It is hard to find out the oxide thickness by C-V curves due to the oxide thickness is too thin. Thus, we used the I-V curves to estimate the oxide thickness. We found that the conversion efficiency is higher when the oxide thickness is from 1.4nm to 1.6nm. In chapter 2, we also used the ITO film to replace the aluminum contact. It was expected to take the advantage of ITO with high-transmission of light to improve the efficiency of MOS solar cells. At the end of this chapter, we added a compressive stress to oxide during oxidation by anodization. Then, we investigated the effect of the compressive stress to the MOS solar cells.n chapter 3, we investigated the reliability of MOS solar cells. First, we measure the variation of the efficiency, short-circuit current, and the open-circuit voltage of MOS solar cells. We found that both of efficiency and open-circuit voltage and reduced. However, there was variation for difference in short-circuit current. In section 2, we investigated the reliability of MOS solar cells after NBTI stress. We found that there was slight increase of the short-circuit current, but the conversion efficiency, and the open-circuit voltage are decreased.t the end, we gave a conclusion for the properties and reliability of MOS solar cells. We found that the thinner the oxide thickness is, the higher the conversion efficiency would be. However, both of the replacement for aluminum contact with ITO film and the preparation of oxides by anodization with compressive stress cause the decrease of efficiency. In the reliability of MOS solar cells, as the illumination time is increased, the conversion efficiency and open-circuit voltage are decreased.Abstract (Chinese)………………………………………………………Ibstract (English) ………………………………………………………IIontents………………………………………………………………IVigure Captions………………………………………………………VIIhapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1-1otivation of This Work ……………………………………………1-2hysical Principal of MOS Solar Cells………………………………2-3xperimental and Measuring System………………………………7hapter 2 MOS Solar Cells with Ultrathin Oxide Prepared by Anodization in DI Water………………………………………………16-1 Introduction……………………………………………………16-2 Oxides prepared by anodization in DI water…………………19-2-1 Experiment……………………………………………………19-2-2 I-V fitting and result discussion………………………………20-2-3 Oxides prepared with a compressive stress……………………21-2-4 MOS solar cells prepared with ITO……………………………22-3 Summary………………………………………………………23hapter 3 Reliability of ANO MOS Solar Cells……………………38-1 The Reliability of MOS Solar Cells under illumination………38-1-1 Introduction……………………………………………………38-1-2 Experiment……………………………………………………39-1-3 Results and discussion…………………………………………39-2 The Reliability of MOS Solar Cells after NBTI Stress…………41-2-1 Introduction……………………………………………………41-2-2 Experiment……………………………………………………41-2-3 Results and discussion…………………………………………42-3 Summary………………………………………………………43Ihapter 4 Conclusions and Future Work……………………………57-1 Conclusions……………………………………………………57-2 Future Work……………………………………………………59eferences………………………………………………………………60815886 bytesapplication/pdfen-US陽極氧化金氧半太陽能電池AnodizationMOS solar cell以純水陽極氧化法製備金氧半太陽能電池效率及穩定度研究Efficiency and Stability of MOS Solar Cells prepared by Anodization in DI waterthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/189092/1/ntu-97-R95943133-1.pdf