2020-07-142024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/663472摘要:微波快速萃取精油技術為快速、節能的精油萃取方式,有應用在產業規模的主要多為香藥草精油萃取,微波應用於果皮精油萃取,主要仍以微波加熱水蒸氣加速萃取效率。本計畫目標在開發文旦柚果實去化的進階應用,將應用一可變功率之高效能大型微波加熱系統,以全果輸入、無溶劑微波萃取,測試加熱微波波段、萃取最適溫度、萃取時間、果實性質對萃取效率的影響,評估產能及效率,建構一具有高通量、高效能的精油萃取條件,達到可實際應用於高量化之果實去化目標。<br> Abstract: The technique of microwave extraction for essential oil is a fast and energy-saving extraction method. The most applications in industrial-scale are the extraction of essential oils from fragrant herbs. For the extraction of essential oils from the peel, the microwave is only used to heat steam to accelerate the extraction efficiency. The goal of this project is to develop advanced applications for the decontamination of Wendan pomelo fruit. A variable power high-efficiency large-scale microwave heating system will be applied, with whole fruit input and solvent-free microwave extraction. The effects of heating microwave bands, optimal extraction temperature, extraction time, and fruit properties on extraction efficiency will be tested. It is going to construct a high-throughput, high-efficiency essential oil extraction method to achieve a practically applying high-quantitative fruit removal.果皮精油次級品先導工廠無溶劑微波萃取essential oil of fruit peelsub-quality productspilot plantsolvent-free microwave extraction文旦柚新型高量能微波精油萃取技術之建構