2007-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706142摘要:過去有關自閉兒氣質的研究極少,而且多以描述、分類居多,並不講求由氣質發展之機制的觀點探討自閉兒氣質的發展和個別差異,甚或以此機制為與父母溝通的依據,而本研究在發展自閉兒氣質個別差異的構念時,則企圖以Rothbart的氣質理論補強這部分的缺失。並透過編制自閉兒氣質量表,期望能檢視自閉兒氣質與親職壓力或父母身心症狀之間的關係。本研究之終極目標除了在理論上建立自閉兒氣質的構念、在測量上發展臨床診間可使用的氣質問卷,並希望在未來能將此構念做為與協同治療者(家長)的溝通平台,使家長有更好的親職效能,對於自閉兒的氣質發展與個別的情緒、行為問題有更客觀的看法。<br> Abstract: Until very recently, rarely have research been devoted to temperament of autistic children. If any, they are mostly concentrated on behavioral description and categorization but not on the underlying mechanism of individual differences and/or developmental trend, not to mention if there is any effort concerning applying the construct of temperament on communicating with parents of autistic children. The present project attempts to apply Mary Rothbart’s temperament approach in conceptualizing the developmental instability of temperament as well as the interaction of emotion-reactivity and self-regulation of autistic children. Specifically, by developing a scale of “temperament of autistic children,” the present project anticipates to investigate the relation between parenting stress and specific styles of autistic temperament. The eventual goal of this research includes: establishing a construct of individual differences of autistic temperament, developing an assessment of autistic temperament for the purpose of clinical screening, and as such, creating a communication channel between parents and clinical psychologists for working together in improving autistic children’s emotion regulation and behavioral adjustment.氣質自閉症親職壓力氣質反應性自我調節性TemperamentAutismParenting StressReactivitySelf-Regulation自閉症兒童氣質之個別差異:篩選工具及其與親職壓力間的關係