林宗賢臺灣大學:電子工程學研究所廖冠超Liao, Kuan-ChaoKuan-ChaoLiao2010-07-142018-07-102010-07-142018-07-102009U0001-1607200917110200http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/189174本論文將描述一應用於免執照ISM頻帶包含400 MHz,900 MHz,2.4 GHz三主要頻段之多頻帶傳輸器,並適用較高資料傳輸率之遙測系統。其中包含ISM 433/868/915 MHz,2.4 GHz以及MICS 402-405 MHz。此傳輸器採頻率鍵移傳輸形式並支援多模組頻率偏移,範圍包含714 kHz到3.2 MHz。類比架構方面包含了一類比調頻器,一類比濾波器,一寬頻混波器,一頻率合成器暨無電感的壓控振盪器及功率放大驅動電路。其中混波器及壓控振盪器為本論文所提出之新架構。為節省較多的晶片面積,本傳輸器無任何電感的使用。實際量測時,操作於400 MHz頻帶之傳輸器輸出功率為 -12 dBm,FSK錯誤率為13.88%,消耗了8.9毫安培之電流暨1.5伏之直流供應電壓,其中混波器之P1dB為 -3.9 dBm,IMRR為 -33.3 dBc,LO Leakage為 -28.5 dBc;操作於900 MHz頻帶下,輸出功率為 -14.5 dBm,FSK錯誤率為14.68%,此時消耗了11.5毫安培之電流暨1.8伏直流電壓供應,其中混波器之P1dB為 -2.8 dBm, IMRR為 -40 dBc,LO Leakage為 -33.8 dBc;而操作於2.4 GHz頻帶下時,傳輸器輸出功率為 -19.5 dBm,FSK錯誤率為15.38%,消耗了12毫安培之電流暨1.8伏直流供應電壓,其中混波器之P1dB為 -3.1 dBm,IMRR為 -36.2 dBc,LO Leakage為 -37.4 dBc。晶片使用台積電0.18微米互補金氧半導體製程,佔用面積為1.6 × 1.9 mm^2。A fully integrated low-power transmitter suitable for high data rate wireless telemetry that can operate in the license-free ISM frequency bands mainly include 400 MHz, 900 MHz, and 2.4 GHz. The three bands include ISM 433/868/915 MHz, 2.4GHz, and MICS 402-405 MHz. Frequency-shift keying (FSK) modulation format is supported with multideviation frequency ranges from 714 kHz to 3.2 MHz. The main analog building blocks of the transmitter include an analog modulator, an analog polyphase filter, a wide-band mixer, a frequency synthesizer with inductorless VCO, and a power amplifier driver. In these blocks, the mixer and VCO architectures are newly proposed. There is no inductor used for the purpose of saving chip area.n actual measurement, when operating in the 400 MHz band, the transmitter consumes.9 mA with 1.5-V power supply, the output power is -12 dBm, and the FSK errors 13.88%. The P1dB of the mixer is -3.9 dBm, the IMRR is -33.3 dBc, and the LO leakages -28.5 dBc. Also, when operating in the 900 MHz band, the transmitter consumes1.7 mA with 1.8-V supply voltage, the output power is -14.5 dBm, and the FSK error is4.68%. The P1dB of the mixer is -2.8 dBm, the IMRR is -40 dBc, and the LO leakages -33.8 dBc. In the 2.4 GHz band, the transmitter consumes 12 mA with 1.8-V supplyoltage, the output power is -19.5 dBm, and the FSK error is 15.38%. The P1dB of theixer is -3.1 dBm, the IMRR is -36.2 dBc, and the LO leakage is -37.4 dBc. The chip wasmplemented in a 0.18-um TSMC CMOS 1P6M process and occupies 1:6 £ 1:9 mm^2.1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation . . 1.2 ThesisOverview . . 3 Fundamentals of Wireless Transmission System ..5.1 Frequency ModulationTransmission . . 5.2 Frequency Shift Keying Modulation . . 10.3 Summary . . 11 A Multiband FSK Transmitter 12.1 Architecture . . 12.2 Analog Modulator . . 13.2.1 Operation Principle . . 13.2.2 Circuit Design . . 15.3 Analog IF Filter . . 27.3.1 Circuit Design . . 27.3.2 Simulation Result . . . 30.4 Frequency Synthesizer with Inductorless Voltage-Controlled Oscillator . . 32.4.1 Phase-Lock Loop Basics . . 32.4.2 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator . . 33.4.3 Divider . . 38.4.4 PFD and Charge Pump . . 41.4.5 Loop Filter . . . 42.5 Wideband Mixer . . . 45.6 PA Driver . . . . . . . . 51.7 Summary and Simulation Result . . 52 Experimental Result 53.1 Test Setup . . 53.2 Chip Layout. . 55.3 Power Supply Generation . . . 57.4 Printed Circuit Board . . 58.5 Experimental Result . . . . 59.5.1 Analog Modulator . . 59.5.2 Phase-locked loop . . 59.5.3 Transmitter . . . . . 59.6 Summary and Comparison Tables . . 72 Conclusion and FutureWorks 74.1 Conclusion . . 74.2 Future Work. . 75ibliography ..7612389071 bytesapplication/pdfen-US傳輸器互補金氧半導體transmitterCMOS使用0.18微米互補金氧半導體製程之多頻帶頻率鍵移(FSK)傳輸器設計Design of a Multi-band FSK Transmitter in 0.18-um CMOS Processthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/189174/1/ntu-98-R95943088-1.pdf