王一中2006-07-262018-07-122006-07-262018-07-122000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/26714角膜細胞自殺反應為近幾年來國內外文獻的熱門研究主題。無論在準分子雷射近 視手術或角膜移植手術當中,角膜細胞的反應都將可能影響術後的傷口復原或視力進步 狀況。本計劃乃利用紐西蘭白兔的角膜作為研究材料。旨在探究不同的角膜貯存方式, 或角膜運送過程中的晃動現象是否引發角質細胞自殺反應;而本實驗中有關角質細胞自 殺反應的強度,乃以TUNEL Assay 偵測。由本實驗結果初步得知,角膜保存時間愈久, 處理過程中經過搖晃等等將導致較嚴重角膜表皮細胞或角膜間質細胞的自殺行為。Several investigators have shown recently that anterior stromal keratocytes undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis ) in response to corneal epithelial injury, and it is believed that this phenomenon plays an important role in wound healing after many kinds of corneal surgery such as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). However, It is not known whether degree of apoptosis may account for variations of wound healing observed after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether keratocyte apoptosis takes place during storage and process period of donor cornea. New Zealand white rabbits are used as the animal models. The result of this study showed that the way of preservation and transportation will affect keratocyte apoptosis in corneal buttons.application/pdf36578 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院眼科角膜自殺反應角膜間質細胞角膜表皮細胞全層角膜移植corneakeratocyteapoptosispenetrating keratoplastycorneal epithelial cell角膜間質層角質細胞的自殺行為與角膜移植手術的關係journal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/26714/1/892314B002247.pdf