臺灣大學: 醫學工程學研究所林文澧李佳蓉Li, Jia-RongJia-RongLi2013-03-292018-06-292013-03-292018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254802藥物傳遞的主要目標是希望增加藥物在腫瘤組織中的濃度,以達到控制腫瘤成長的效果;且降低藥物在身體其他部位的濃度,減少在正常組織中的副作用,達到所謂的標靶治療。高能量強度聚焦型超音波已用於臨床治療,近年來,許多研究更發現超音波搭配超音波顯影劑所產生的穴蝕效應對區域性的藥物傳遞有益。 本研究使用大腸癌CT-26小鼠皮下腫瘤模式,注射超音波顯影劑(SonoVue○R),搭配1 MHz、1% duty cycle、10ms脈衝長度、1 Hz的脈衝重複頻率、聲壓1.2 MPa、超音波施打總時間120秒的低強度聚焦型超音波,以誘發穴蝕效應,與使用市售奈米抗癌藥物Doxil○R (Ben Venue, Laboratories, Inc., USA)。實驗結果發現,相較僅注射10 mg/kg Doxil○R,搭配穴蝕效應之實驗組顯著提升了在治療後24小時,doxorubicin於腫瘤組織內的累積量,且藥物搭配穴蝕效應實驗組在實驗後第24小時達其極值;持續給予治療,穴蝕效應對腫瘤組織的影響將會變高,可有效抑制大腫瘤(體積>100 mm3)的成長(p<.05)。同時,注射較低劑量5 mg/kg的Doxil○R,在穴蝕效應的加強下,相較無穴蝕效應實驗組,已可有效抑制小腫瘤(體積<30 mm3)的成長(p<.05)。實驗同時探討治療方式(額外施加超音波與否)對腫瘤成長的影響。The main goal of drug delivery is to enhance the drug accumulation in tumor tissue in order to control the tumor growth, and to decrease drug concentration in other sites of the body to avoid side effect on normal tissues. Such treatment is so-called “targeted therapy.” High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has been used for clinical therapy for years. Recently, it was found that the cavitation effect due to ultrasound sonication and ultrasound contrast agent was beneficial to local drug delivery. In this study, we used s.c. colon carcinoma CT-26 mice tumor model and sonicated the tumors with focused ultrasound (frequency 1 MHz、1% duty cycle、pulse length 10ms、pulse repetition frequency 1Hz、pressure 1.2 MPa、total duration 120 seconds) after the injection of ultrasound contrast agent (SonoVue○R), and then inkected nanoparticles—commercial nanodrug Doxil○R (Ben Venue, Laboratories, Inc., USA). We have found that cavitation effect combined with 10 mg/kg Doxil○R can significantly increase doxorubicin accumulation in tumor tissue 24 hour after treatment as compared to injecting Doxil○R only. Keeping the treatment for a duration time (at least 4 weeks), the effect of cavitaiton on tumor tissue becomes more obvious and able to inhibit big tumor (volume>100 mm3) growth effectively(p<.05). In addition, 5 mg/kg Doxil○R injection with cavitation has significant impact (p<.05) on inhibiting the growth of small tumors (volume<30 mm3). This study also investigated treatment effects to mouse tumors with applying additional focused ultrasound.1577349 bytesapplication/pdfen-US藥物傳遞標靶治?高能?聚焦型超音波超音波顯影劑穴蝕效應?米藥物(?米粒子)drug delivery、targeted therapy、HIFU、ultrasound contrast agent、cavitation effect、nanoparticle[SDGs]SDG3聚焦超音波結合微氣泡提升?米抗癌藥物在小鼠腫瘤組織的?積?與?效之探討Investigation of Focused Ultrasound Combined with Microbubbles to Enhance the Accumulation and Efficacy of Anticancer Nanodrug in Mouse Tumorsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254802/1/ntu-100-R98548007-1.pdf