2009-02-272024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/657833摘要:文心蘭為台灣重要蘭花作物,極具發展潛力,目前已是大面積栽培的蘭花產業之一。目前台灣栽培業者多以簡易溫網室栽種文心蘭,然台灣夏季中午強光高溫(常高於35℃),使文心蘭光合作用速率降低,導致植株在夏季生長不佳,嚴重影響切花品質及產量。本計畫主要目標在瞭解文心蘭光合作用特性,研究最適合文心蘭光合作用進行之條件,並探究改善文心蘭夏季光合作用遲滯現象發生的方法,期能藉此生理研究找出適當的環境調控方式,以改善夏季文心蘭品質不良問題,藉以提升文心蘭商品價值。<br> Abstract: Oncidium is an important orchid crop in Taiwan, mainly cultivated as cut flowers exported to Japan and also with great potential as potted plants. Currently the growers use simple constructed net houses to produce Oncidium, thus have very little control on growing environment. However, high light intensity and high temperature (higher than 35℃) occurs during the summer, hamper the growth of Oncidium and subsequently influence the quality and quantity of cut flowers. We have observed a decreased photosynthesis in Oncidium in the midday of summer, this phenomenon is termed “midday depression” in other crops. The objectives of this project are to understand the haracteristics of photosynthesis of Oncidium, and the causes of midday depression. The results of this study are expected to define an optimum environmental condition to grow Oncidium, in order to improve their photosynthetic rate and then the flower quality and yield. Some recommendations for environmental controls will be suggested to the growers; hope that better production efficiency will bring a higher profit to the growers.文心蘭光合作用高溫Oncidiumphotosynthesishigh temperature花卉品種及栽培技術改進-環境因子對文心蘭光合生理及植株生長之影響