黃乾綱臺灣大學:工程科學及海洋工程學研究所林暐翔Lin, Wei-HsiangWei-HsiangLin2007-11-262018-06-282007-11-262018-06-282007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/51146隨著有機電子材料的發展,已經有許多的應用於軟性電子的開發上,像是OLED、LCD、e-paper、RFID tag、感測器和太陽能電池等,然而在材料的開發之外,有鑑於軟性基版的低溫製程需求,溶液製程的方式被廣為利用,尤其是噴墨製程的方式,其高自由度、高精度、低成本、溶液製程的優勢,被視為發展軟性電子最有潛力的製程之ㄧ。 本論文利用Microfab的噴頭開發有機電晶體的製程,並自行架設氣壓控制系統、壓電驅動系統、噴墨觀測系統、定位對準系統和可套用的各式軟體,以達到高良率和高重現性的穩定製程,並且能夠讓元件的製作更微小化、精準化,可控制的短通道長度、絕緣層厚度和半導體厚度,因而成功的製作出效能良好的OTFT和金屬銀導線。 而在OTFT的製程上,使用PI 膠帶當做基版、PEDOT/PSS摻雜EG當作導電層、PVP搭配PMF當作絕緣層、P3HT或pentacene 前驅物當作半導體層,完成全噴墨全有機的OTFT製作,並利用表面封裝層、半導體厚度改善和絕緣層表面改質的方式使得元件的電性提升,再進一步探討了通道長短和絕緣層厚度對於OTFT的影響,以達到最佳的電性應用於軟性電路的製作上。With the advancement of the organic electronic material, many flexible electronics applications appear. Within all these applications, OLED, LCD, e-paper, RFID-tag, sensor , solar cell, etc. are some of the most well-known examples. In addition to develop new materials, associated solution process were also investi閘極d seriously with an attempt to improve manufacturing efficiency as well. To satisfly the low temperature processing requirements for plastic substrate, the ink-jet printing has become one of best candidate for developing the next-generation fabrication process for flexible electronics due to its high degree of freedom, high accurate, low cost, etc. In this thesis, the printhead made by MicroFab Technologies, Inc. was integrated with the newly developed pneumatics controller system, piezoelectric driver system, ink-jet observing system, substrate positioning system and software to achieve stable fabricating process with highly yield and highly repeatable. Moreover, this newly developed system can minimize the device and perform accurate fabrication requirements such as controllable channel length, film thickness, etc. OTFT and silver conducting lines were successfully fabricated in this thesis. The fabrication process used PI tape as the substrate, PEDOT/PSS doping EG as the conducting material, PVP blend PMF as the dielectric layer, P3HT or pentacne precursor as the active layer, to arrive at an all ink-jet, all organic OTFT, To further improve the electric performance techniques such as new package, reducing thickness of active layer, surface treatment, and investigate the influence of channel length and dielectric layer thickness, etc. were all integrated in order to obtain the best OTFT circuitry performance.中文摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 ii 圖目錄 v 表目錄 xii 第1章 緒論 1 1-1 前言 1 1-2 研究背景 3 1-3 研究動機 13 第2章 噴墨原理及簡介 15 2-1 噴墨原理 15 2-2 噴墨製程參數 16 2-3 噴墨製程設備 21 2-4 噴墨製程在軟性電子的現況 25 2-5 噴墨金屬導線 33 第3章 噴墨製程系統架構 42 3-1 正負氣壓系統 43 3-2 壓電驅動系統 45 3-3 墨滴觀測系統 46 3-4 噴印圖形產生及製作系統 50 3-5 定位對準系統 55 3-6 量測儀器與製程設備 59 第4章 元件之製程與材料 64 4-1 銀導線之材料與製程 64 4-2 有機薄膜電晶體之材料與製程 70 第5章 噴墨式OTFT之性能改良 99 5-1 表面封裝對性能之影響與改良 102 5-2 半導體膜厚對性能之影響與改良 109 5-3 通道長短對性能之影響與改良 115 5-4 絕緣層厚度對性能之影響與改良 123 5-5 表面改質對性能之影響與改良 132 第6章 結論與未來展望 135 6-1 結論 135 6-2 未來展望 137 Reference 14011119153 bytesapplication/pdfen-US有機電晶體OTFT軟性全噴墨有機薄膜電晶體之製作與性能提升Fabrication and Performance Improvement on All Ink-Jet Printed Flexible Organic Thin Film Transistorthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/51146/1/ntu-96-R94525025-1.pdf