荷世平臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所王心慈Wang, Hsin-TzuHsin-TzuWang2007-11-252018-07-092007-11-252018-07-092006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/50447型態管理是一種融合技術體系與行政體系的交互管理紀律。其運用於產品或專案工程的整體生命週期,從概念設計/規劃開始,定義/設計、製造/建造、配售/交付、營運/維修,而至廢棄/移除為止,各階段期間不論組織介面、工程變異或動態環境是多麼複雜,管理者藉由型態管理,得以確保成品符合所要求的規格與功能。型態管理係透過型態識別、型態管制、型態狀況記述及型態稽核等活動可以隨時掌握產品或專案工程的最新型態,有效率地管制變更,將不斷的變更加以記錄,保持資料的可追溯性,建立產品資訊的高度信心,使不至於在發展過程中有任何一環疏失,造成計畫失敗。型態管理濫觴於70年代美國航太計畫,歷經數十年之推展,在國內,型態管理已漸被採用於具有高度複雜性或系統性之大型專案計畫,例如國防武器研製、航太計畫、核能電廠、捷運系統、高速鐵路….乃至軟體開發,且多被認定獲致良好之成效。 然而,型態管理可能因既有組織科層體制、文化等因素而在執行上有所偏差,例如流於「文件管理」之迷思和制度僵化等情形。儘管型態管理建構了一個管理專案變更之系統化程序,但每一變更事件常被孤立化處理,類似之負面變更仍層出不窮,究其問題原因在於整體組織和制度未具有自我教育或經驗學習之機制。在型態管理的流程中,資料和資訊雖然被完整地建制、儲存和取用,但未必能夠充份轉化為個人知識,亦未必為組織創造更有價值之知識進而被個人所利用,這種情形勢將抵減型態管理之綜效。 21世紀是以知識為主軸的時代,其中知識管理特性在於知識的分享與再利用,進而創造知識,如何利用此特性來賦予型態管理更積極的精神,促進有利的變更及減少不利的變更,實乃當前型態管理實務之關鍵課題。本研究擬建構一個知識導向的型態管理模型,聚焦於組織知識之創造,來提升整體專案工程品質及組織之價值,並探討應用策略及實踐步驟,提供工程界導入該模型之實際範例。 本研究經綜合分析結果,在型態管理計畫所布建的結構性工作情境,隱含誘導多功能部門成員走出所屬單位的作用,在導入知識管理、重塑流程後,從參與專案整合的擇優溝通過程中,所有成員得到多元性專業知識灌能的機會,透過例行性作中學(OJT),不但達到媒合部門功能的目的,亦可促成企業全方位累積及創造其整合專案所需之相關專業能力。Configuration management (hereafter as CM) is an interactive management discipline merging technical and administrative direction system together, and applied over the life cycle of a product or project. During each phase such as conception/planning, definition/design, product/build, distribution/delivery, operation/maintenance and disposal/removal, through CM process, project manager can ensure the product performing the functional and physical requirements as intended despite the complexity of organization interfaces, engineering changes or dynamic circumstances. By means of the activities of configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting and configuration audit, a high level of confidence in the product information is established. However, some deviations to execution effectiveness of CM may occur due to the causes of the existing hierarchic organization and culture. For example, the CM processes may lead to a misunderstanding of “document management” or ossified regime. Although the CM can establish a systematized process to manage project changes, each individual change event is usually isolated and dealt with independently. The similar detrimental changes still occur frequently and repeatedly. To explore the problem, it is found that the whole organization and regime lack mechanism of lesson learnt and self-education. Data and information are set up, stored and adopted, but are either unlikely converted into personal knowledge completely, or unlikely create more valuable knowledge for organization then utilized by individual. This kind of situation will definitely reduce the comprehensive efficiency of CM. The 21st century is the era taking knowledge as main shaft. Purpose of the knowledge management (KM) is to share and re-utilize the knowledge, and then to create new knowledge. How to give CM more active spirit of making use of CM, to promote the beneficial changes and to reduce detrimental changes nowadays are the key subjects of CM practice indeed. This research is trying to build a model for knowledge oriented CM and focus on the creation of organization knowledge, so as to improve the quality of the project and the value of the organization. It is expected to study application strategy and implementation processes, and to offer the actual example based on this model. According to the result of this research, it was found that the systematic work scenarios established by CM imply the members of functional department to go out of their affiliated unit and to have more opportunities of learning multifarious professional knowledge after applying KM-based CM and re-setting procedure. Through the routine of on-job-training, the purpose of integrating department's function cannot only be achieved, accumulation and creation of the organization abilities but also is promoted throughout the project.致謝... ii 摘要... iii 目錄... vi 圖目錄... viii 表目錄... x 表目錄... x 第一章 緒論... 1 1.1 研究背景... 1 1.2 研究動機及目的... 2 1.3 研究範圍及限制... 3 1.4 研究方法及流程... 4 第二章 文獻探討... 7 2.1 型態管理... 7 2.1.1 型態管理之定義... 7 2.1.2 型態管理之內涵... 9 2.1.3 型態管理之發展沿革... 14 2.1.4 型態管理之相關研究... 17 2.2 知識管理... 20 2.2.1 知識之定義... 20 2.2.2 知識管理之定義... 24 2.2.3 知識管理之代表性理論... 27 2.2.4 知識管理系統架構之建立... 30 2.2.5 組織知識之創新... 31 2.3 小結... 37 第三章 模型建構... 40 3.1 型態管理流程中的知識性活動... 40 3.2 可誘導組織創造知識之型態管理架構... 56 3.3 知識導向型態管理之概念性模型... 58 3.4 實務性模型之分析與設計... 59 3.5 小結... 61 第四章 案例模擬... 62 4.1 台灣高速鐵路計畫... 62 4.1.1 計畫簡介... 62 4.1.2 型態管理應用現況... 65 4.2 深度訪談及研析... 78 4.3 模型之修正與執行步驟... 85 4.4 本章結語... 89 第五章 結論與建議... 90 5.1 結論... 90 5.2 建議... 92 參考文獻... 93 附錄... 96 A1 台北市大眾捷運系統... 96 A1.1 計畫簡介... 96 A1.2 型態管理應用現況... 97 A2 高雄市大眾捷運系統... 100 A2.1 計畫簡介... 100 A2.2 型態管理應用現況... 101 A3 中正國際機場聯外捷運系統... 102 A3.1 計畫簡介... 102 A3.2 型態管理應用現況... 102en-US型態管理知識管理創新模型Configuration managementKnowledge managementinnovationmodel知識導向之型態管理模型Model for Knowledge Oriented Configuration Managementthesis