2018-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/685619摘要:電子廢棄物資源化近年來已獲致高度的關注與重視,不僅是因為若沒有將其妥善處理會引起嚴重的環境污染與公共衛生危害等問題,且能從中回收多種具有價值的物質,尤其是金、銀、鉑、鈀、銦等貴金屬。由於現代生活高度仰賴各種電器以及資訊與通訊等電子產品,耗用了大量的資源,也產生了數量龐大的電子廢棄物。因此,為達到循環經濟的社會體系,電子廢棄物資源化此一課題遂顯得非常重要。本研究計畫係應用微波加熱技術取代傳統的破碎方式,以期促進電子廢棄物的金屬回收效果,避免因破碎所造成的粉塵污染與金屬成份逸散等問題,並且回收有機化合物、氫氣與一氧化碳等生質能源。本研究團隊過去在利用微波加熱處理工業與下水污泥以及農、林業廢棄物等方面已有多項研究成果,故對於微波加熱技術的原理及應用皆有充分的瞭解與掌握。本研究計畫係以廢印刷電路板與廢液晶面板為主要研究對象,並以建構出完整的應用微波加熱促進電子廢棄物能資源回收技術為主要目標,以期提高貴金屬與生質能源回收效果。此外,本研究計畫將進行反應動力學分析與反應機制探討等工作,以掌握電子廢棄物之微波加熱特性,進而探討將微波加熱應用於火法冶金法的可行性。本研究團隊目前針對於電子廢棄物的微波與傳統加熱、酸浸、萃取與反萃取等實驗已有一些初步的研究成果,然而為達到最大化的貴金屬回收度與純度等目標,實需要本研究計畫的推展來達成。本研究計畫執行期間,將申請專利與尋求產學合作的機會,以期進一步提高應用微波加熱促進電子廢棄物能資源回收技術的商業化潛力與應用價值。<br> Abstract: Electronic waste recycling has attracted increasing interest in recent years. This is because not only serious environmental pollution and publication health damage led by improper handling of the waste, but also that various valuable materials can be recovered, especially precious metals including gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and indium. There have been a lot of resources used and numerous electronic waste produced attributable to the high dependence on various household appliances and information technology and telecommunication equipments in modern life. Therefore, to reach a society of circular economy, the issue of electronic waste recycling is very crucial. In this research project, microwave heating is attempted to substitute the shredding step in the traditional electronic waste recycling technology, to promote metal recycling outcomes, to avoid the problems of particulate matter pollution and fugitive metal loss caused by shredding process, and to recover bioenergy such as organic compounds, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide. My research team obtained a number of outcomes in microwave heating of industrial and sewage sludge as well as agricultural and forestry residues in the past few years, so we have been quite familiar with the principles and applications of microwave heating technologies. In the research project, the primary research subjects are waste printed circuit boards and waste liquid crystal displays, and the principal research goal is to establish a full energy and resource recovery technology for electronic waste promoted by microwave heating that can increase precious metals and bioenergy recovery efficiency. Furthermore, reaction kinetics and mechanism will be carried out in the research project to understand the microwave heating characteristics of electronic waste, and then to evaluate the feasibility of microwave heating applied in pyrometallurgy. The research team has acquired some preliminary experimental results of microwave and conventional heating, acid leaching, extraction, and stripping of electronic waste. However, we definitely need the research project to reach the goals of maximum recovery and purity of precious metals. During the execution of the research project, we will apply for patents and look for the opportunities of industry-academia collaboration, to further improve the commercial potential and application value of energy and resource recovery from electronic waste promoted by microwave heating.電子廢棄物資源化貴金屬微波加熱循環經濟生質能源回收廢印刷電路板廢液晶面板濕式冶金火法冶金反應動力學反應機制Electronic wasteRecyclingPrecious metalsMicrowave heatingCircular economyBioenergy recoveryWaste printed circuit boardsWaste liquid crystal displaysHydrometallurgyPyrometallurgyReaction kineticsReaction mechanism應用微波加熱技術以促進電子廢棄物能資源回收之研究