2008-02-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681226摘要:計畫擬以地質微生物學與天體生物學為主軸,探討於極端環境中生物的分佈與生存策略,進而建立於環境辨識微生物於準則。初期將以建立學生基礎知識與實驗技術為主,透過文獻導讀與討輪,建構學生針對科學問題與現象思考與辯證的能力;實驗技術的學習則有助於學生習得各式分析工具的運用方式與極限。後期將以實例操作為主,素材將取自東部富含碳酸鹽的高溫溫泉水與碳酸礦物結晶,協助學生經由討論逐步建構辨識核心問題、假設建立、實驗與採樣設計、實驗執行與觀測、資料分析與統合、資料解析與模型展示。此外整合計畫也將運用各實驗室之專長與資源,來探討陸域溫泉的生態系統,其中包括大氣所郭鴻基老師可提供藉由數學工具的使用,以量化的模式預測生態系統的穩定性,進而瞭解何種物理化學因子對系統穩定度與過渡的控制與影響;動物所于宏燦老師則可提供探索溫泉區的嗜高溫菌的群落分析;天文所孫維新老師提供尋求外太空生命的研究方向;電機系李百祺老師提供一些影像處理與探測(image processing)用於偵測細菌群落技術。土木系康仕仲老師提供資料展示視覺化visualization的思維。<br> Abstract: The proposal will attempt to explore the distribution and adaptive strategy of microbial life in extreme environments using geomicrobiological and astrobiological knowledge and technique. The ultimate goal is to establish the criteria in identifying the existence of microbial life in geothermal environments. Students will focus on the learning the fundamental knowledge and experimental technique through literature review and discussion and laboratory practice in the initial phase. A project will be developed in the later phase using the materials from the carbonate rich hot springs and their associated carbonate minerals in the eastern Taiwan. Students will start with the problem identification, followed with establishment of hypothesis, design of field sampling and experiment, analysis and observation, data integration, and result and model demonstration. The integrated project will also encompass and share the resources and expertise with the following laboratories: Dr. Kuo of Atmospheric Science for the mathematical modeling and stability analysis; Dr. Yu of Zoology for the analysis of microbial communities in hot springs; Dr. Sun of Astrophysics for the exploration of life in other planets; Dr. Li of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics for the image processing; and Dr. Kang of Civil Engineering for data visualization.極端生物天體生物陸域溫泉extremophileastrobiology and terrestrial hot spring97年度臺灣大學跨學門科學人才培育銜接計畫-嗜熱微生物於碳酸鹽礦化作用之影響與科學研究人才的培育