2013-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/696485摘要:母育期女性性功能: 長期追蹤研究 懷孕生產階段的性生活是婦女及其伴侶所關注的,也是提供照護者應該重視的議題。過 去有關周產期性議題的研究以橫斷面研究或短期追蹤研究者多,國內外長期性追蹤懷孕 期及產後期的研究報告仍然相當欠缺。台灣在性健康的研究成果已經漸漸獲得國際學術 界的肯定,延續過去的成果,以及朝向周產期照護精緻化的目標,現階段周產期性議題 值得投注於長期性世代研究。本研究計畫目的是描述及比較懷孕期及產後階段女性性功 能的變化及差異,確認懷孕期及產後期性功能的影響因素,以及確認懷孕期至產後期所 有調查時間點所形成的軌跡(Trajectory)及此軌跡的影響因素。採取世代研究設計,長 期追蹤婦女懷孕期至產後期的性功能。研究對象來自北部某醫學中心產檢及生產的婦 女,預計納入約 348 位符合條件的懷孕初期個案進入研究。每位參與者預計完成人口學、懷孕、生產等個人資料表,及女性性功能、身體心像、疲倦及憂鬱量表。預計 3 年完成 本計畫,長期追蹤的時間點包括懷孕初期、中期、後期、產後 1 個月、3 個月、6 個月 及 1 年。統計分析包括 ANOVA, ANCOVA, multiple linear regression, mixed model, and trajectory analysis。預期研究成果將能深入了解婦女在懷孕生產階段性功能多面性與縱貫 性現象,建構周產期婦女性健康理論模式,提升健康專業人員對性健康相關議題諮詢的 敏感度與關注。<br> Abstract: Female sexual function during pregnancy and postpartum: A longitudinal studyPregnancy and childbirth impact sexual function in women. More attention should be paid by health professionals to the sexual concerns of women in pregnancy and postpartum. However, few reports have addressed sexual function during pregnancy and after childbirth by validated measures and longitudinal design. The specific aims are to (1) describe and compare the differences in female sexual function during pregnancy and postpartum; (2) identify factors influencing female sexual function at different periods, before, during and after pregnancy; (3) identify the trajectory of female sexual function and the factors that influence this trajectory through pregnancy and postpartum. A prospective longitudinal investigation will beperformed in women at pregnancy and postpartum. All participants will complete questionnaires that assess demographic characteristics, obstetric and birth history, female sexual function, body image, fatigue, urinary incontinence and depression. Participants who are in early, middle, late pregnancy, 1st, 3rd, and 6th month and 1 year postpartum will be contacted to complete the questionnaires by mail or at study site clinics. The sample size was estimated by drop rates and power calculation. Approximately 348 women in early pregnancy will be recruited at a medical center in Taipei, Taiwan. The study will be conducted over a3-year period. The characteristics and trajectory of sexual function in the study population will be examined, and a theoretic model of sexual function during pregnancy and postpartum will be identified. The study findings will help health providers to be more aware of women’s perception of sexuality during pregnancy and postpartum, and to be sensitive when they assess a woman’s sexual function and consult on sexual issues.性功能懷孕生產縱貫研究Female sexual function during pregnancy and postpartum: A longitudinal study