臺灣大學: 機械工程學研究所陳達仁吳佳峻Wu, Chia-ChunChia-ChunWu2013-04-012018-06-282013-04-012018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256086本文提出一個給予肌肉運動系統受損的患者使用之可攜式下肢輔具設計。根據人體下肢的解剖學結構以及運動學,可知當行走時骨盆的旋轉會造成髖關節的位置相對於軀幹會產生改變。因此,髖關節在矢狀面的位置相對於軀幹的改變是不可忽略的,本設計克服多數外骨骼式的下肢輔具的缺點,考慮髖關節的位置相對於軀幹在行走時的改變,並將髖關節視為平面對,將膝關節視為旋轉對,以致於患者穿戴時,下肢輔具和人體下肢在運動時的運動干涉降至最低,因此使運動干涉產生的不舒適感可被消除。此外;為了輔助下肢在正常行走的能力,因此採用被動式彈簧平衡的方式,以消除擺動期時下肢重量對髖關節及膝關節處的負擔。 在本篇論文中,首先根據下肢運動行為的功能需求進行下肢輔具的拓撲合成,接著引入重力平衡的方法降低關節處的負擔,並決定所需的最少彈簧數目以及彈簧的安裝位置,根據彈簧的型式以及所需的彈簧數目,選擇本論文採用的下肢輔具構型。根據NASA所提出的人體參數進行下肢輔具的尺寸合成。最後利用軟體ADAMS對本論文之設計進行模擬及驗證,以及提出估計誤差及降低誤差的方法。Design of a portable lower limb orthosis for persons with impairments of motor system is presented. Based on the anatomical structure and kinesiology of human lower limbs, it is observed that, during a walking gait, the position of the hip joint significantly varies due to a complex rotation of pelvis with respect to the body trunk. Since the movement of the hip joint is not negligible on the sagittal plane, this design, unlike most exoskeleton type of lower limb orthosis, considers the hip joint as a plane pair and knee joint as a revolute joint. As a result, the kinematic interference between the orthosis and the human lower limb can be minimized and discomfort can be eliminated. Moreover, in order to assist the persons who wear the orthosis to have the normal walking gait, passive device that composes of springs is used to balance the gravitational effect of the lower limb during the swing phase of the gait cycle. In this paper, topological synthesis of the orthosis according to the functional requirements of the kinematic behavior of the human lower limb is first accomplished. Then, a methodology for the gravity-balancing of the lower limb is presented, and the minimum number of springs and installation of springs are determined. Then, the design is selected in accordance with type of springs and number of springs for achieves gravity-balancing. Based on the anthropometric parameters obtained from NASA, dimensional synthesis of the orthosis is implemented. Design of the orthosis is finally justified by the motion simulation of the orthosis as well as the human lower limb executed on ADAMS. Finally, simulation is accomplished on ADAMS, and the method for errors estimation and reduction is presented.3242305 bytesapplication/pdfen-US輔具重力平衡下肢零自由長度彈簧OrthosisGravity-BalancingLower limbzero-free-length spring具肌力輔助及復健效能之可攜式下肢輔具概念設計Conceptual Design of Portable Lower Limb Orthosis for Persons with Motor System Impairmentsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256086/1/ntu-100-R97522625-1.pdf