洪茂蔚臺灣大學:國際企業學研究所Chen, AlinaAlinaChen2007-11-282018-06-292007-11-282018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/60532The hedge fund industry has experienced explosive growth for the last couple of years and the growth is not likely to abate soon. Discussions on how hedge funds should be regulated have been a hotly debated topic. This paper reviews the current state and benefits of the hedge fund industry, outlines the regulatory framework of hedge funds in US and Europe, and compares the regulatory regimes of retail hedge funds in Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland, and the US. As a result, the paper presents a compromising regulatory approach toward hedge fund regulationTU1 INTRODUCTIONUT 1 TU2 THE HEDGE FUND INDUSTRYUT 3 TU2-1. GENERAL OVERVIEWUT 3 TU2-2. GROWTH OF HEDGE FUNDSUT 8 TU2-3. BENEFITS OF HEDGE FUNDUT 10 TU2-4 COMPARING MUTUAL FUNDS AND HEDGE FUNDSUT 16 TU2-5 GROWTH IN HEDGE FUND FRAUDUT 21 TU2-6 BROADER EXPOSURE TO HEDGE FUNDSUT 22 TU3 REGULATORY FRAMEWORKUT 25 TU3-1. UNITED STATES-UNREGISTERED BUT NOT UNREGULATEDUT 25 TU3-2. UNITED STATES-NEW PROPOSALUT 41 TU3-3 EUROPEUT 55 TU4 REGULATORY COMPARISONS: RETAIL HEDGE FUNDUT 71 TU4-1 SINGAPOREUT 71 TU4-2 HONG KONGUT 74 TU4-3 IRELANDUT 79 TU4-4 UNITED STATESUT 81 TU4-5 SUMMARYUT 84 TU5 CONCLUSIONUT 85 TUREFERENCESUT 88 TUAPPENDIXUT 91970354 bytesapplication/pdfen-US避險基金hedge funds regulationretail hedge fundsregulatory frameworkmutual funds regulationmutual fundsA Tactical Approach To Hedge Fund Regulationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/60532/1/ntu-94-R92724096-1.pdf