管理學院: 商學研究所指導教授: 游張松梁愷恩Leong, Kai AnnKai AnnLeong2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274502受過去台灣自由貿易政策和農業發展政策的影響,加上農業工作收入不穩定、缺乏吸引力以及農村偏鄉人口外移,台灣很多農地進入休耕或變更成為其他用途,投入農業的人力也越來越少,以致長期下來台灣的糧食高度依賴自由貿易進口,糧食的自給率僅有三成。然而,全球氣候變遷的極端氣候讓農作物的生長環境越來越惡劣,生長受到限制,逐漸威脅全球糧食供給和糧食系統穩定。當未來全球的糧食供給量不足和不穩定,糧食價格便會攀升,引發糧食危機,而這對高度依賴進口糧食的台灣便是相當大的危機,不僅人民生活品質受影響,國家經濟也會有沉重的負擔。因此,台灣飲食生態中的問題必須被正視,而在等待政府政策的改進時,生態中的成員包含消費者、農夫、農場工作者、農產品通路商等等都應該主動投入,讓台灣的飲食生態可以永續、平衡地發展,朝綠色飲食生態的目標前進。 本研究針對有機與友善耕作農產品市場,進行觀察和分析消費者需求特性、生產特性和通路商扮演的角色與其能提供的價值和限制,最後利用價值創造循環的架構,並將社群支持型農業的核心概念納入,建造一個綠色飲食生態的創新電子商務平台。本研究提出的商業模式運用網路與電子商務科技,連結友善耕作的農夫與想要購買健康、安全和優質的友善耕作農產品的消費者,讓消費端可以在資訊透明度更高的環境下更了解農產品的來源,對購買的產品和生產者更有信任感。對於需要支援的友善耕作農場,可以在平台中得到網路連結成的社群所給予的幫助,而社群會員的親身參與也讓他們更了解農產品的生產以及耕作的環境。最後再利用物流營運中心和社區取貨點的整合與配送系統,減少運輸上的負擔,確保消費者的購買價格合理、農夫在耕作後得到合理的報酬以及平台有足夠的營利來繼續經營,價值創造循環永續運轉。此商業模式為消費者帶來價格合理、可安心食用的優質農產品,而他們在了解農夫的辛勞和人們與土地的關係後,會更懂得珍惜食物;為願意投入友善耕作的農夫和農場工作者帶來更有保障和合理的報酬,農夫的生活品質得到保障。本研究期許這樣的多邊多贏的模式可以鼓勵更多青年可以投入農業工作,願意使用環境友善的方式耕作來維持土壤的養分、維護乾淨的水資源和保護耕作環境的生態多樣性,進而推動台灣的永續農業,提升台灣糧食的安全、品質以及自給率。Affected by the past Taiwan free trade policies and agricultural development policies, coupled with income instability, lack of attractiveness and relocation of rural population, many of Taiwan''s agricultural land fallow to enter or has changed for other purposes and human resources in agricultural industry has been decreasing. Food supply of Taiwan has highly dependent on import and the food self-sufficiency rate remains only about 30 percent. However, extreme weather of global climate change makes the environment worsen for crops growth, global food availability and food system stability are threaten. As the amount of global food supplies inadequate and unstable, food prices will rise and cause a big crisis for Taiwan which highly dependent on the imported food, and this will affect the living quality and cause a burden for the economy of Taiwan. Therefore, these problems should be addressed, and while waiting for the improvement of government policies, consumers, farmers, farm workers, agricultural distributors, etc., should take the initiative to make our food ecology balance and sustainable. In this study, the characteristics of consumer demand and food production, and the role of distributors are observed and analyzed. A sustainable food ecology innovative e-commerce platform is created via value creation cycle and inclusion of the core concept of community supported agriculture. By using the technology of internet and e-commerce, eco-friendly farming farmers and consumers who want to buy healthy, safety and quality farm produce are connected. With the help of higher transparency of information through the internet, consumers can have a better understanding of the growing process, and therefore have more trust on the purchased products. Through this connection, those eco-friendly farming farmers who need funds, they can seek for help and community support in this platform. With the integration of logistics operation center and pick-up-point distribution system, the cost of transport and distribution are lowered, this ensure a good purchasing price for consumers, and at the same time, those farmers and platform gain a reasonable profit, so the value creation cycle operations sustainably. This business model offers consumers safe and high quality agricultural product at reasonable prices, and they can understand the farmer''s hard work and the relationship between people and the land, so they will be more appreciate the value of food. Besides that, farmers who willing to invest in eco-friendly farming get a secured and reasonable return, so that their quality of life is guaranteed. With this win-win results from the model, this study hopes it can encourage more people can be put into agricultural work, and willing to grow crops in an environment-friendly farming way to maintain the soil nutrients, preserve water resources and conserve the biodiversity of the environment, thus promoting Taiwan sustainable agriculture, improving food safety and quality, and increasing the food self-sufficiency rate.2937105 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/31論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)綠色飲食生態價值創造循環社群支持型農業食品安全友善耕作電子商務平台sustainable food ecologyvalue creation cyclecommunity supported agriculturefood safetyecological agriculturee-commerce platform[SDGs]SDG2[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG13[SDGs]SDG15以價值創造循環建造綠色飲食生態之創新平台Create innovative platform to sustain food ecology via value creation cyclethesis10.6342/NTU201601559http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274502/1/ntu-105-R03741019-1.pdf