2005-06-022024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681607摘要:台南縣政府於九十四年度辦理新營市門牌號碼及其位置調查,計28個里,630個鄰,24983戶(依實際調查時之資料為主)之門牌資料建置。是項作業,所需檢核項目及數量均屬繁鉅,其成果對於台南縣政府國土資訊系統之成效深具影響。因此,為確保該項作業成果品質以及有效的管控作業進度,特另辦理本案(台南縣新營市門牌號碼及其位置調查計畫品質監驗),以遴選有實際執行及監審經驗的專業單位,依本需求規格之原則協助台南縣政府針對「台南縣新營市門牌號碼及其位置調查計畫」進行品質監驗、複檢及評核等工作,並提供台南縣政府專業諮詢等服務。<br> Abstract: Tainan County Government is executing a project to investigate the house address data ,which include about 24983 houses, in Sinying City in 2005. The quality assessment task of these data has a great impact on the performance of National Geographical Information System Program. Therefore, in order to assure good data quality and effective schedule control, Tainan County Government selects an experienced and professional team through public appraisal to exam the quality of these house address data in Sinying City and to provide professional consultation to Tainan County Government.台南縣門牌號碼及其位置資料管理供應系統委外開發品質鑑審暨資料檢核案