護理學系WU, GUEY-HAUGUEY-HAUWULIU, YING-MEIYING-MEILIUHUANG, LIAN- HUALIAN- HUAHUANG吳桂花劉影梅黃璉華2009-09-132018-07-072009-09-132018-07-072004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/166116依社區的特性選擇合宜的評估工具,是社區健康評估的首要工作。本文以Trotter、 Smith及Maurer(2000)建構的社區評估系統架構(system framework for community assessment)進行農村之「社區健康評估」,運用走衛瀏覽、文獻查證、 訪談、參與性觀察菁方法收集資料,經資料分析後,確立社區健康問題,以 Geoppinger及schuste(1992)的準則,排列社區健康問題的優先順序。藉由本土的 案例,說明此評估工具的實用性及本土應用時的考量。最後對此社區評估架構之概念 清晰度、變項的分類、及指標的可劃量性予以評值,並提出具體建議,以作為日後社 區工作者選用社區健康評估工具之參考,並豐富護理的知識。 In assessing the health of a community is important to select tools appropriate to the community’s characteristics. The framework for this paper is the system framework for community assessment developed by Trotter, Smith and Maurer (2000); the data were collected by windshield survey, literature review, interview, and observation. Through data analysis and the identification of the community’s problem, the authors prioritize those problems in accordance with Goeppinger and Schuste’s (1992) criteria. They illustrate the practicality and local applicability of this method by means of a local case. Finally, the authors evaluate the framework in terms of concept clearance, variable classification, and indicator measurement. In addition, they propose concrete suggestions for community workers to consider in the selection of assessment tools, and to enrich nursing knowledge.en-US系統理論社區健康評估應用評價農村 system theoryThe Application and Evaluation of the System Theory for Community Health Assessment in a Rural Village系統理論的應用與評價-以農村之社區健康評估 為例